Indonesian to English
pertikaian | conflict, controversy, disagreement |
pertikaian hebat | blazing row |
ContohDia melihat pekerjaannya adalah mencari pertikaian pada teorinya. He saw his job as creating conflict around her theories.
Alice dan George sangat bagus dalam pertikaian. Alice and George were very good at conflict.
Jadi apa yang diperlukan pertikaian yang membangun seperti itu? So what does that kind of constructive conflict require?
"Ibu saya," katanya, "tidak menyukai pertikaian "My mother," she said, "My mother didn't enjoy a fight,
terlalu takut pada pertikaian are too afraid of conflict.
Takut akan pertikaian yang memicu Afraid of the conflict that that would provoke,
Jika kita tidak takut pada pertikaian, If we aren't going to be afraid of conflict,
Dan memang ada banyak pertikaian, debat, And yes, there was a lot of conflict and debate
Namun dia sangat khawatir akan terjadi pertikaian, But he had been so afraid of conflict,
pertikaian yang ditimbulkannya. the conflict that it provokes.
dan menciptakan pertikaian, and we create conflict,
yang mengalami pertikaian hebat, which have suffered severe conflicts,
yang mencoba mengakhiri pertikaian who are trying to end the conflict
atau pertikaian di Oglala, or of the stand-off at Oglala,
selama dan sesudah pertikaian. during and after conflict.
di tengah atau pasca pertikaian, in conflict and post-conflict settings,