Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
perwujudan diriself actualization


bukan semata perwujudan terbaik dari ajaran agama, tetapi juga mampu membawa kita
is not only the test of any true religiosity, it is also what will bring us
itu semacam perwujudan takdir
that's a kind of manifest destiny;
perwujudan dan penjaga
the embodiment and the guardian
Jadi sepertinya perwujudan sosial fisik
So it seems like this physical, social embodiment
apakah perwujudan sosial itu penting? Apakah penting bahwa itu hanyalah robot?
does the social embodiment really matter? Does it matter that it's a robot?
Jadi saya harap saya dapat mengatakan perwujudan dari masa depan robot pribadi.
So I wish that I could tell you what the future of personal robotics looks like.
Dialah perwujudan dari keberanian, karena dia
Now she is the personification of courage, because she's
dia menjadi perwujudan
he was to become the embodiment