Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
peti case, chest
peti amuisicaison
peti balutambulance box
peti batereibattery case
peti buahfruit paste
peti displaydisplay case
peti esfridge
peti kayucrate
peti kecilpyxis
peti mayatcoffin
peti mayat dari batusarcophagus
peti musikmusical-box
peti pengemasanpacking case
peti penyemencementing chest
peti penyimpan arangcoal bin
peti perkakastool-box
peti radiowireless-cabinet
peti simpananhope chest
peti tempat kayu bakarwoodbin
peti uangcashbox


dan duduk di sekitar peti matinya.
and sat around her casket.
dan mengatakan dia harus menutup peti itu.
and told us he had to close the casket.
menjadi apa yang mungkin kita akan sebut peti populasi.
to what we might term population coffins.
termasuk yang disimpan dalam peti tertutup
including those that were in a locked case
Bahwa aku peti mati berjalan,
that I am a walking casket,
Tidakkah kau lihat mudahnya mengejek seseorang menuju peti mati,
Can you see how easy it is to talk people into coffins,
membawa hampir 7.000 peti kemas,
carrying nearly 7,000 boxes,
tanpa pembalseman, tanpa peti terbuka,
no embalming, no open coffin,
tapi mereka mengirimkan peti kosong. (Tawa)
but it came empty. (Laughter)
Lalu Ivan meletakan sandwich-nya di sini, di atas peti bajak laut.
And Ivan puts his sandwich over here, on top of the pirate chest.