Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
petugas imigrasiimmigration official
petugas keamanansecurity guard
petugas latihantraining officer
petugas lelangauctioneer
petugas liftelevator boy
petugas listliftman
petugas lonceng gerejabell ringer
petugas mekanikmechanician
petugas pembuat proses verbalofficial report maker
petugas pemerintahgovermental agencies
petugas penerima tamureception clerk
petugas pengadilanhenchman of the court
petugas pengembangan latihantraining development
petugas pengindeksindexer
petugas pengiriman barang cepatexpressman
petugas personaliapersonnel officer
petugas untuk pentasstagehand


Petugas kebersihan memasuki sinagoga.
The cleaner came into the synagogue.
sebelum seorang petugas kebersihan memberikan peringatan.
before a street cleaner raised the alarm.
karena petugas keamanan di bandara.
Airport security.
Mereka bahkan mungkin tahu ukuran sepatu petugas operatornya.
They probably even know the shoe size of the operator.
Dan ini tanpa disadari oleh petugas atau sistem keamanan yang ada.
And neither your operators nor your safety system will notice it.
daripada apa yang dapat dilihat dari jumlah petugas kesehatan profesional mereka --
than the medical professionals they have would indicate they could serve --
karena kami telah menerapkan model Paul Farmer, dengan menggunakan petugas kesehatan komunitas,
because we've implemented Paul Farmer's model, using community health workers,
petugas administrasi kesehatan dan petugas kesehatan komunitas di seluruh pelosok negeri,
health administration and community health workers throughout the country,
.dan petugas di belakang counter akan menyuruh anda
and then the guy behind the counter tells you
adalah para petugas telegraf di pertengahan abad ke-19,
were the telegraphers of the mid-19th century,
Dan, karena petugas perawatan kesehatan
And, since the health care worker
dan petugas TPS meminta tanda pengenal anda
and a poll station worker asks for your ID
Mereka semuanya lancar, dan saat petugas perbatasan melihat paspor Amerika saya
They all went through, and then the border patrol saw my American passport.
Mereka menunjuk petugas
They appointed an officer
ke petugas administrasi,
some dollars digitally,
Petugas kemudian melakukan verifikasi
And the officer would then verify
juga bukan petugas pemakaman.
and I'm not an undertaker.
Mereka bahkan mendapat bantuan dari petugas pemadam kebakaran.
Here they even got the help of the firemen.
oleh petugas kebersihan,
by regular janitors,
yang berkata, ternyata, para petugas keamanan
saying that, in fact, security guards
tapi di seputar meja makan di bar petugas,
But around that dining table in the officer's saloon,
polwan atau petugas pemadam kebakaran?
your police woman or the fireman?
Tetapi petugas tidak mau memberikannya izin
Yet the officer in charge would not simply give her the permit
Petugas mempersulit prosesnya
The officer was just sitting on it
dan memukul balik di petugas di contoh kasus ini.
and pushed back the officers in this particular case.
Dan kami belum berhasil meyakinkan petugas pemadam kebakaran
And we have not been able to convince the fire brigade people
Akan tetapi, beberapa petugas fasilitas di sana
However, some of the facility authority
dan ada seorang petugas yang menjalani trayek daur ulang kertas
and there was a man doing his paper recycling route
bagi petugas pemakaman.
in funeral personnel.
atrium raksasa, petugas valet,
giant atrium, valet parking,