Indonesian to English
pot | 1 pot. 2 chamber pot. |
pot bunga | flowerpot |
pot gemuk stauffer | stauffer lubricator |
pot minyak | oil-box |
pot-lumas siku-siku | angle lubricator |
potas | potassium. |
potehi | (China) hand puppets. |
potensi | potential. |
potensi konsumen | consumer potential |
potensi pasar | market potential |
potensi penjualan | sales potential |
potensial | /potensiil/ potential. |
potensial akbar | grand potential |
potensial antaratom | interatomic potential |
potensial atom | atomic potential |
potensial bauran | diffusion potential |
potensial berkala | periodic potential |
potensial buli | bulb potential |
potensial coulomb | coulomb potential |
potensial coulomb tercadar | screened coulomb potential |
potensial dadal | breakdown potential |
Contohdan tanah itu tumbuh dalam pot ini, yang saya buat dari pohon yang tumbang karena badai and it's growing in these tubs, which I made out of storm-felled trees
Di era 1970-an, di bawah rezim Pol Pot, In the 1970s, under the Pol Pot regime,
atau pot keramik or a ceramic pot
Anggap anda melihat sebuah pot teh Suppose you see a teapot,
dan pot it and the teapot is
Di bawah pimpinan anak petani, Pol Pot, Led by peasant-born Pol Pot,
binatang peliharaan, tanaman pot, apapun yang ada di sana, pets, potted plants, whatever was in there,
pot-pot labu di atas stasiun kereta. pumpkin patches on top of trains.