Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
pura-pura pretend
pura-pura berbuatgo through the motions of
pura-pura berbuat sebagaisetting up for
pura-pura berkelahi -pull punches
pura-pura memujibackhanded
pura-pura menangisshed crocodile tears
pura-pura mengerjakangone through the motion
pura-pura mengerjakan suatugoing through the motion
pura-pura tak lihatturned a blind eye
pura-pura tak melihatturn a blind eye
pura-pura tidak mengenalcut aquaintance
pura-pura tidak tahucuting dead
pura-pura tidak tahu -cut dead
pura-pura tidur (mati)played possum


Setiap anak bisa bilang, "Saya harimau," pura-pura jadi harimau.
Any child can say, "I'm a tiger," pretend to be a tiger.
(pura-pura menabuh drum)
(mock drum roll)
namun kita pura-pura tidak melihatnya
but that we are willfully blind to,
Pura-pura peduli, kan.
Like I care, right?
bebas dari pura-pura atau tipuan,
free from pretense or deceit;
yang pura-pura kita lindungi,
that we pretend to protect,
? Yang tersisa, hidup pura-pura menunggu ?
? With the backup, makeshift life in waiting ?