Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
ralat error, mistake
ralat coulombcoulomb corrections
ralat menyinar momen magnetmagnetic moment radiative correction
ralat menyinar pada hamburan coulombradiativer corrections to coulomb scattering
ralat nisbian tingkat tinggihigher-order relativistic correction
ralat tingkat tinggihigh-order correction
ralat tingkat-dua atas swamassa electronsecond-order correction to electron self-mass
ralat ujungend correction
ralat warnacolor correction


yang dikembangkan melalui ralat dan galas.
that has evolved through trial and error.
Bayi ini dibuat melalui proses ralat dan galas.
This baby was produced through trial and error.
ralat dan galas,
trial and error,
ralat dan galas.
trial and error.
yang menghasilkan keajaiban melalui ralat dan galas.
that produce miracles through trial and error.
ralat dan galas,
trial and error,
Proses ralat dan galas ini
Now this process of trial and error
Namun proses ralat dan galas inilah
But it's this process of trial and error
Namun lebih karena ralat dan galas.
It's come through trial and error.
Jelas bahwa ralat dan galas sangatlah penting.
Obviously trial and error is very important.
sangat jelas bahwa ralat dan galas adalah hal yang baik.
it's obvious that trial and error is a good thing.
bahwa sudah jelas bahwa ralat dan galas bekerja, dan -- terima kasih.
that it is obvious that trial and error works, and that -- thank you.
Saya akan tetap berpegang pada kebenaran ralat dan galas
I'm going to keep banging on about trial and error
kegagalan, ralat, dan kesalahan -- mungkin, lebih banyak kesalahan --
failure, trial and error -- I guess, more error --