Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
rem brake
rem anginair brake
rem bahayaemergency-brake
rem baling-baling udaraair-screw brake
rem bantire-brake
rem belakangrear-brake
rem bowdenbowden brake
rem daruratemergency brake
rem dayapower brakes
rem diferensialdifferential brake
rem dinginair-pressure brake
rem elektrikelectrical brake
rem elektro-mekanikelectromechanical brake
rem elektromaknetiselectromagnetic brake
rem hidrolikhydraulic brake
rem kakifoot brake
rem koniscone brake
rem listrikelectric brake
rem luarexternally acting brake
rem maknetismagnetic brake
rem mekanismechanical brake


seperti mesin Ferrari tanpa rem.
maybe a Ferrari engine, with no breaks.
dan lalu memanaskan rem ketika anda berhenti.
and then heating the brakes when you stop.
Anda bisa memiliki rem regenerasi, anda bisa memiliki drive-by-wire,
You can have regenerative braking; you can have drive-by-wire;
dan saya melihat lampu rem mobil di depan saya menyala.
and the car in front of me, I saw the brake lights go on.
Saya menginjak rem.
I step on the brake.
Saya menginjak rem sekuat-kuatnya.
I slammed on the brakes.
Saya merasa sistem rem anti terkunci bekerja dan mobil saya masih tetap berjalan
I felt the ABS kick in, and the car is still going,
Pada rem kereta api, setidaknya kereta api buatan Jerman,
In the train brakes -- at least in the German train brakes --
tidur nyenyak, tidur sebentar, tidur REM.
deep sleep, light sleep, REM sleep.
rem dari sepeda motor,
got the brakes from motorcycles,
dan juga instruksi bagaimana menggunakan pedal gas dan rem.
and also instructions how to use the gas and the brake pedal.
Rem Koolhaa di Beijing
CCTV building in Beijing
ketika mereka seharusnya menginjak rem.
when they should be putting on the brakes.
pusat musik yang dirancang oleh arsitek Rem Koolhaas
the Rem Koolhaas-built music center
bahwa berdasarkan presentasi Rem Koolhaas di dewan kota Porto dimana
out of a Rem Koolhaas presentation to the city of Porto, where
adalah seberapa sering mobil menge-rem ketika seharusnya tidak.
is how often does the car apply the brakes when it shouldn't.
Aksis vertikal menunjukkan seberapa sering mobil akan menge-rem
And the vertical axis is how often the car is going to apply the brakes
Mobil ini tidak menge-rem sendiri, dan tidak melakukan hal konyol,
It doesn't apply the brakes for you, it doesn't do anything goofy,
contoh, rem untuk mengurangi tabrakan,
say with collision mitigation braking,
jika menekan rem tiba-tiba, hal ini benar-benar tidak dapat diterima.
if it presses the brakes unexpectedly, that's completely unacceptable.
memutar roda kemudi ke kiri atau kanan, menekan rem atau gas.
turning the steering wheel left or right, pressing the brake or gas.