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riwayat hidup biography
riwayat1 story, narrative, tale. 2 history.
hidupbe alive, live, life, fresh, run, long iive, prevocalic


Mereka dua riwayat hidup dari pahlawan yang sama.
They were two lifetimes of the same hero.
Augusten Burroughs menulis sebuah riwayat hidup
Augusten Burroughs wrote a memoir
untuk membuat rangkuman riwayat hidup mereka di dalam pikiran kita.
to make a mental resume for them.
dan menulis dua versi calon riwayat hidup saya sendiri,
and wrote two versions of my own obituary,
Saya ingat saya melihat kepada kedua versi calon riwayat hidup saya
And I remember looking at these two versions of my obituary
Namun saat saya menulis calon riwayat hidup saya,
But when I wrote that obituary exercise,