Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
seberang across, opposite, foreign
seberang lautantransmarine


dan orang lain di seberang subway
and the other person across the subway car
Beberapa hari yang lalu, di seberang jalan dari sini,
Just a few days ago, right across the street from here,
Para "Granny Cloud" tersebut duduk di seberang sana.
The granny cloud sits over there.
Seorang pelanggan dari toko swalayan di seberang gedung saya
A customer from a department store across from my building
Ini sangat sukses, kini mereka mengambil alih tanah di seberang jalan.
It's been so successful, they've now taken over the strip across the street.
di seberang jalan arteri
across the arterials
di seberang halte transit baru.
adjacent to a new transit stop.
Ternyata ada sebuah perusahaan di seberang sungai yang bernama Google
So it turns out there was a company across the river called Google
dengan pusat perbelanjaan Ikea yang baru tepat di seberang jalan.
waiting for a shopping mall right across from the new Ikea.
Sebagai gantinya, orang-orang dari seberang jalan,
Instead, people from across the road,
Tapi kemudian di apartemen di seberang selasar
But then in the apartment across the hall
dan Anda harus berlari supaya tiba di seberang tepat waktu.
and you had to run in order to get there in time.
hal-hal seperti sekolah di seberang jalan
things like schools across the street
Dan demikian maka Tarja duduk di seberang meja dari saya.
And so then Tarja was sitting across the table from me.