Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
secara ekonomis economically
secara1 in a......manner. 2 on... a scale. 3 as (if). 4 according to, in accordance with.


bukan ikatan secara ekonomis tapi secara pribadi dan alami,
ties that are not economic but personal in nature,
secara ekonomis, sosial,
economically, socially
barang barang secara ekonomis menguntungkan
goods is economically beneficial
cara yang secara ekonomis berguna
the economically useful way
dinilai masih layak secara ekonomis
is still considered economically viable
konsumsi barang barang secara ekonomis
consumption of goods is economically
mencegah limbah agar secara ekonomis
prevent waste to be economical
termasuk secara ekonomis bagi masyarakat
also economically for the people