Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
secepat as far as
secepat kilatas quick as lightning
secepat mungkinas soon as possible
secepat-cepatnyaat full speed
secepatnyaat quickly


secepat hewan-hewan yang bisa melihat selama hidup.
just as fast as animals that have seen their entire lives.
secepat kaki kecil saya yang pendek, gemuk, dan sakit asma bisa membawa saya.
as fast as my chubby, asthmatic little legs would carry me.
Kami bergerak secepat mungkin.
We're going as fast as we can.
Jadi sebaiknya kita cari tahu apa sasarannya secepat mungkin.
So we better find out what the target is soon."
"Mari kita bergerak secepat mungkin, 60 mil per jam.
"Let's hit this as fast as possible. 60 miles an hour.
untuk menolong sebanyak-banyaknya, secepat yang kita bisa,
to save as many lives as quickly as we can,
secepat mungkin.
as rapidly as possible.
secepat-cepatnya, secepat mungkin yang mereka bisa.
very quickly, just as quickly as they could.
untuk mau mekategorasikan secepat mungkin, seperti yang kamu tahu.
to want to categorize it just as quickly as we can, you know.
mengeluarkan sebanyak-banyaknya karbon dari tanah secepat mungkin,
of taking as much carbon out of the ground as quickly as possible,
dan lari secepat kilat ke garis finish.
and blaze for the finish line.
Bukannya menyerah, dia secepat kilat menyusul orang terdepan dan menang,
instead of losing, she blazes past the lead pack and wins,
bisa lari secepat saat usia mereka 19 tahun.
are running as fast as they were at age 19.
secepat orang-orang berbicara, kurang lebih harus ada
with the pace of speech, more or less, you have to have
yang sedemikian terburu-buru dan secepat-cepatnya.
a sort of hurried and hasty way.
dan mereka membeli secepat yang dapat kami buat.
and they're buying them as fast as we can make them.
semua kemampuan mobil itu untuk berlari secepat mungkin,
all of the car's capabilities to go as fast as possible,
keseimbangan antara berjalan secepat mungkin
the trade-off between going as fast as possible
bergerak secepat mungkin
moving as quickly as possible
secepat mungkin.
as soon as possible.
kami hancurkan informasi tersebut secepat mungkin.
then we destroy that information as soon as possible.
apa selanjutnya? Secepat mungkin,
what's next? As quickly as possible,
kira-kira secepat lelehan madu, katanya.
about the speed of spreading honey, they say.
pikiran itu secepat mungkin.
out of my mind as quickly as possible.
Saya berenang secepat mungkin
I swam as quickly as I could
mendorong diri saya keluar dan secepat mungkin
pull myself up and as quickly as possible
kemudian kami berjalan secepat mungkin
and then we walked as quickly as we could
Namun saya ingin menaikkannya menjadi satu tahun per tahun secepat mungkin.
But I intend to move it up to one year per year as soon as possible.
Karena saya berpikir dengan terbang secepat itu
Because I just keep thinking of going that fast
Jadi, tempatkan pasukan penjaga perdamaian di sana, tapi pulangkan mereka secepat mungkin.
So get peacekeepers there, but get them home as soon as possible.
dan mereka pergi ke Starbucks dan membelanjakan uang itu secepat kilat.
and they run over to Starbucks and spend it as fast as they can.
Mereka adalah orang-orang yang ingin keluar dari kemiskinan secepat mungkin.
They're people getting out of poverty as fast as they can.
adalah menarik dengan cepat, mereka memegang, lalu menariknya secepat mungkin,
was the ripping one, so they would grab hold and they would rip,
apa yang bisa kita lakukan secepat mungkin
what can we do as quickly as possible
secepat mungkin.
as soon as possible.
"Tidak secepat itu," kata orang-orang lain.
"Not so fast," say other people.
turun secepat
had fallen as rapidly
Semua ini bergerak secepat itu.
That's how fast this is moving.
Saya akan bermain secepat mungkin.
I'll play as fast as I can.
secepat mungkin.
as soon as possible.
Kalau saja saya bisa membuat otot saya secepat ini.
Wish I could build my muscle this fast.
Lalu perempuan itu berkata, "Saya belum pernah melihat orang menjadi tersipu malu secepat itu.
And she said, "I have never seen anyone get more embarrassed faster in my life.
Secepat itulah perkembangannya.
It's that quick.
jalur apa yang harus diikuti, secepat apa kita memperlambat atau mempercepat.
so what trajectory it should follow, how quickly it should slow down or speed up.