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Indonesian to English
segera sesudah in the wake of
segeraquickly, immediately


sebelum dan segera sesudah kaul.
before and immediately after the vows.
dan akan dinikahkan segera sesudah akil balik.
to be married as soon as I reached puberty.
dalam persalinan atau segera sesudahnya
in childbirth or shortly thereafter
dan segera sesudah aku bernubuat
and as i prophesied
israel dengan pesan segera sesudah
israel saying as soon as
kali dan segera sesudah itu
times then immediately the
menjadi raja itu segera sesudah
to reign as soon as
segera sesudah ahab melihat elia
when ahab saw elijah
segera sesudah ahab mendengar bahwa
when ahab heard that
segera sesudah kuasa kerajaan itu
when his kingdom was
segera sesudah kukirim artemas atau
when i send artemas or
segera sesudah laban mendengar kabar
when laban heard of the
segera sesudah orang israel selesai
when israel had finished
segera sesudah raja hizkia mendengar
and when king hezekiah heard
segera sesudah seluruh israel mendengar
when all israel heard
segera sesudah yosua berkata kepada
when joshua had spoken to