Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
sejak hari date from


dan sejak hari itu, saya telah berkeliling dunia
and ever since that day, I have traveled around the world
sejak hari pertama kami bertemu
starting with that day we had our very first meeting
Dari sejak hari pertama, Noam dan saya memutuskan untuk
And from day one, Noam and I decided to put
Tapi dengan bibit-bibit tersebut, sejak hari pertama, kami bercocok tanam di dalam kelas,
But with those seeds, from day one, we are growing in my classroom,
sekalipun selama 4 tahun sejak hari itu,
once in the four years since that day,
sejak hari itu di tahun 2005,
ever since that day of 2005,