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Indonesian to English
sekolah guru normal school
dan kepala sekolah guru guru
and principals teachers
dengan kepala sekolah guru dan
with school principals teachers and
kemampuan sekolah guru murid dan
school capacity teachers students and
kepala sekolah guru dan orangtua
school principals teachers and parents
kepala sekolah guru guru sebelum
principals teachers before
kepala sekolah guru kelas dan
the headmaster grade teachers and
kepala sekolah guru petugas perpustakaan
the principal teachers library officials
keterbatasan seperti kemampuan sekolah guru
limitations like school capacity teachers
meliputi kepala sekolah guru pelajar
including school principals teachers students
mulai dari kepala sekolah guru
starting from principal teacher
sekolah sebuah sekolah guru perempuan
school a female school teacher
sekolah sekolah guru dan staf
school teachers and staffs
seperti kemampuan sekolah guru murid
like school capacity teachers students
termasuk dengan kepala sekolah guru
including with school principals teachers