Indonesian to English
selama sebulan | in a calendar month |
selama | during, while, as long as |
sebulan | - |
Contohselama sebulan. looked at for a month.
Ini seperti ada sanak Mandarin Anda yang datang berkunjung selama sebulan It was like having Mandarin relatives come and visit for a month
Menendang seseorang, meniadakan makanan penutup selama sebulan. Kick someone, lose desserts for a month.
Saya tertidur selama sebulan dan saat bangun So I took to my bed for about a month, and when I woke up
Selama sebulan berikutnya saya mengunjungi banyak tempat di seluruh negara, Over the next month I visited lots of places, some out here, around the country,