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sementara itu in the mean time
sementarawhile, provisional
ituthat, those(


Sementara itu, orang kaya itu berpikir,
Meanwhile, the rich man thinks to himself,
Sementara itu, di New York,
Meanwhile, back in New York,
dan sementara itu, semoga Anda beruntung.
and in the meantime, I wish you luck.
Bangunan sementara itu kini
Now these provisional structures have,
Sementara itu, saya memakai not-not sebagai cetak biru
Meanwhile, I use these scores as blueprints
Sementara itu, ada seorang dewasa yang mengetik ini semua,
So, meanwhile, there's an adult in the back typing this up,
Sementara itu, saya bertemu orang-orang berpikiran sama
Around the same time, I met like-minded individuals
Sementara itu, karena beberapa maksud dan tujuan,
Meanwhile, for all intents and purposes,
Sementara itu, saya mengetuai
In the meantime, I was chairing
Sementara itu, kami para fisikawan
At the same time, we physicists
Sementara itu,
In the meanwhile,
Sementara itu, tidak ada revolusi sains lain dimana-mana.
Meanwhile, there's no scientific revolution anywhere else.
Sementara itu di Babilonia,
Meanwhile, back in Babylon,
sementara itu 20% populasi Amerika tinggal di pedesaan.
and yet 20 percent of our population lives there.
Sementara itu,
In the meantime,
Sementara itu, ada enam rekan saya
Now in the meantime, I have six friends
Sementara itu, dua pria Denmark di sebelah kiri kamera
Now in the meantime, the two Danish guys to the left of the camera,
Sementara itu, pada sisi kiri, di mana terdapat begitu banyak aktifitas,
Whereas on the right, where there was a lot of activity,
namun sementara itu, tanaman itu mendapat keuntungan
but the plant, meanwhile, has benefited,
sementara itu, para orang tua -- mungkin setelah kesibukan di kantor, lembur, dinas --
Meanwhile, the parents -- perhaps a little busy at work, running late, running errands --
Sementara itu, kita harus berpikir secara lokal
At the same time, we need to think locally,