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Indonesian to English
sendirian alone


daripada menjadi aman, terkendali, dan sendirian.
rather than becoming secure, in control and alone.
Saya bekerja sendirian.
I worked alone.
Brandi Carlile: ? Apa kau pernah berjalan sendirian di hutan? ?
Brandi Carlile: ? Have you ever wandered lonely through the woods? ?
? Jika kau pernah berjalan sendirian di hutan ?
? If you've ever wandered lonely through the woods ?
? Jika kau pernah berjalan sendirian di hutan ?
? If you've ever wandered lonely through the woods ?
Maksud saya, jika saya berada di lift sendirian, saya melakukan banyak hal aneh,
I mean, when I'm in an elevator all alone, I do all sorts of weird things,
Sekarang, sendirian di lift,
Now, all alone in the elevator,
mendapati dirinya terdampar sendirian di planet asing
finds himself alone on a strange planet
mereka tidak sendirian di planet ini.
they were not alone on the planet.
Saya tidak datang ke Amerika sendirian.
I did not come here by myself.
Dia bilang, "Baiklah, tapi saya tidak bisa melakukan ini sendirian."
He said, "Well, but I can't do it alone."
Ibunya membesarkannya sendirian.
Her mother raised her alone.
Saya tidak sendirian di sini.
I'm not here alone.
dan menempatkan tiap anak sendirian dalam suatu ruangan.
and put them in a room all by themselves.
karena tidak ada satu negara pun yang bisa selamat dari perubahan iklim sendirian.
because no country can make itself safe from the dangers of climate change.
biasanya kami sendirian saat menyelam dalam
they used to leave us alone when we were diving
Anda tidak akan mengalami semua hal ini sendirian.
You may never experience the entire thing yourself.
Saya juga tak mengira bahwa sendirian,
Nor do I think we are by ourselves,
Ia berjuang sendirian, karena Bihar
His was a lonely struggle, because Bihar
Karena pemikiran tentang melakukannya sendirian
Because the idea of doing it alone
Engkau tidak dapat berlayar sendirian,
You cannot make the voyage alone,
bahwa mereka terpisahkan dan sendirian,
that they're separate and alone,
Namun dia tidak sendirian hari itu
But she wasn't alone that day,
Kalau Anda mencoba mengejar kijang sendirian,
If you go out by yourself, and you try to chase an antelope,
Saya sedang di sana sendirian dan bersiap-siap
I was there alone, setting up,
Anda akan sampai ke tempat tujuan, namun sendirian.
you get where you're going, but you get there alone.
"Haha jadi kamu pergi sendirian? Mengapa?"
"Haha so you're going by yourself? Why?"
merasa benar-benar sendirian.
to feel so disconnected.
kini pada jam 3 pagi saat Anda sendirian,
Now, at 3 o'clock in the morning when you're all alone,
Mungkin Anda berada di rumah sendirian selama 1 minggu.
Perhaps you've been at home for a week on your own.
Dia baru-baru ini kembali ke Dongguan sendirian
She recently returned to Dongguan on her own
Dia sering berada di rumah sendirian.
He was home alone a lot.
Dan sebagai orang dewasa, kita pastinya tidak sendirian.
And as adults, we're certainly not alone.
dia pergi sendirian dan mengadakan pertunjukan terlebih dahulu.
he went out solo and did it first.
kami ada di sana untuk mereka, mereka tidak sendirian.
we are there for them. They are not alone for this.
Saya juga tahu saya tidak sendirian.
I also knew that I'm not alone.
Ingatkah anda ketika kotak biru ini masih sendirian,
Remember when this blue box was all alone,
dan sendirian dalam situasi ini.
and alone in this situation.
Dia tidak sendirian saat memulainya.
He wasn't alone when he started.
Ketika dia sendirian, dia tidak membuat cahaya.
When it's alone it doesn't make any light.
bakteri tidak hidup sendirian, mereka hidup di campuran yang luar biasa,
bacteria don't live by themselves, they live in incredible mixtures,
Saya berjalan kaki sendirian.
I was alone on foot.
menyeberangi Samudera Arktik sendirian.
a solo and unsupported crossing of the Arctic Ocean.
Dan akhirnya, anak saya memainkan sebuah mainan berjalan sendirian.
And finally, my son playing in a walking toy by himself.
dari mereka benar-benar sendirian.
than they are really alone.
Dan sendirian sangat tidak wajar untuk manusia.
And being alone is very unnatural to the human.
sendirian di apartemen satu kamar mereka, di flat kecil mereka.
alone in their one-room apartments, in their little flats.
on his own.
Saya tidak sendirian.
And I'm not the only one.
yang berhasil berski sendirian ke Kutub Utara.
have skied solo to the North Pole.