Indonesian to English
seri | series, honorific royal title 3 shining splendor |
seri cerita yang terus-menerus | running commentary |
seri-hidroksid | ceric hydroxide |
seri-seri kelas | service of classes |
serial | serial |
serian | luminance |
serian kentara | apparent luminance |
serian later | background luminance |
serian seragam | uniform luminance |
serian suaian | adaptation luminance |
seriawan | sprue |
seribu | thousand |
seribu kaii | thousand times |
seribu satu | a thousand and one |
seribu satu malam | arabian nights |
serie | serie |
series-parallel | series-parallel |
serigala | wolf |
serigunting | k.o. bird with a forked tail. |
serik | 1. sore (of throat). 2. learn o.'s lesson, refuse to do s.t. because of a former bad experience. |
serikat | united, union |
Contohseluruh seri novel Harry Potter dan ditambah separuhnya. the length of the Harry Potter novels and half again.
Dia juga menulis seri "Balboa Penguin," He wrote a series on "Penguin Balboa,"
dan saya memutuskan untuk menamai seri ini "Naked City Spleen," and I decided to title my series "Naked City Spleen,"
Dan saya juga mengerjakan satu seri animasi I'm also working on an animated series
Mereka membangun seri kanal yang rumit, They built this intricate series of canals,
"Sekolah Baru Rockett," yang merupakan seri pertama "Rockett's New School" -- the first of a series
Jadi, saya memutuskan untuk membuat beberapa seri potret-potret yang sederhana, So I decided to make a series of very simple portraits,
Dan sekarang saya mulai berbicara tentang sirkuit rangkaian paralel dan seri. And now I can start talking about parallel and series circuits.
Anda bisa mengajarkan sirkuit paralel dan seri You could do parallel and series circuits
dengan hanya beberapa seri lainnya with just a few of the volumes left
Setiap seribu galon akan mendapatkan nomer seri dan sertifikat, Each increment gets a serial number and a certificate,
Jadi kami menciptakan satu seri 99 foto di kaos oblong. So we created this series of 99 portraits on tee shirts.
dalam seluruh seri adaptasi Darwin. in a whole series of Darwinian adaptations.