Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
sialan 1 s.o. unfortunate, s.t. ill-fated. 2 s.o. or s.t. bringing bad luck. 3 Damn it, exclamation of dissatisfaction.
sialang1 beehive. 2 k.o. tree in which bees commonly build their nest.


dia menjawab telepon, "Kamu, sialan."
he answers the phone, "Yo, motherfucker."
("Dulu saya jual jiwa saya seharga sepersepuluh dari harga barang sialan itu sekarang.")
("I sold my soul for about a tenth of what the damn things are going for now.")
(Telepon berbunyi) Sialan.
(Phone ring) God damn it.
Radio: ... sialan, kalau sudah dapat langsung hajar saja
Radio: ... just fuckin', once you get on 'em just open 'em up.
Sialan, Kyle. Ya sudahlah, hahaha. Kena sama saya.
God damn it, Kyle. All right, hahaha. I hit 'em.
Dengan kata lain, berkat hukum fisika sialan itu,
In other words, thanks to those pesky laws of physics,
Akan kudapatkan, "Sayang, beri saya panduan acara TV sialan itu."
I'll get, "Baby, just give me the frickin' TV guide."