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sofa sofa
sofa rendah tanpa sandaranottoman


sangat sulit membayangkan sebuah sofa, bagaimana benda terlihat di dalam rumah Anda.
It's really hard to imagine a sofa, how it's going to look in your house.
sofa dan TV layar datar rusak.
and overstuffed couches and flat-screen TVs.
Dan ini adalah sofa, bagaimana muncul dari sana.
And this is the sofa, how it will emerge from there.
walau ada sofa.
Although there is a sofa,
dan saya duduk di sofa itu,
and I was sitting there on the couch,
dan saya berbaring di sofa ibu saya,
and lying on my mum's sofa,
Kita percepat tiga tahun. Saya akhirnya bangkit dari sofa,
Fast forward three years. I did eventually get off the sofa,
dan saya meraih buku ini, dan saya duduk di sofa
And I grabbed this book off, and I'm sitting on the couch
Saya pindah antara hidup di van dan tidur di sofa di rumah teman-teman.
I alternated between living in a van and couch surfing with friends.
di sofa yang ada di kantor kami,
on the couch in our office,