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Indonesian to English
standar 1. standard. 2. bicycle or mortorcycle kickstand. 3. (Mil.) standards, emblems of an army, etc.
standar barunew standard
standar belakangback stand
standar biayacost standard
standar delegasidelegation standard
standar ekonomieconomic standard
standar emasgold standard
standar fisikphysical standard
standar instruksi untuk penyesuaianstandard adjusting instruction
standar kerjawork standard
standar monetermonetary standard
standar mutuquality standard
standar nilaistandard of value
standar nilai tabulartabular standard of value
standar pencapaianstandard of performance
standar prestasiperformance standard
standar rel kereta apirail standard
standar ungkitantipping stand
standar-standar pekerjaanjob standards
standar-standar relatifrelative standards
standard dan prosedurstandard and procedure


seperti yang bisa Anda lihat di ujian standar nasional ini
as you can see in this national benchmarking assessment
dikenal sebagai W3C, telah mengembangkan standar di seluruh dunia
known as W3C, has developed worldwide standards
menerapkan standar sensor
are applying censorship standards
daripada standar konstitusional bagi kebebasan berpendapat
than the free speech constitutional standards
Ini adalah prosedur standar di mana kami akan meletakkan data selanjutnya.
It's a standard template by which we're going to hang the rest of this data.
dari standar keselamatan kendaraan untuk diselesaikan.
of federal motor vehicle safety standards to contend with.
dengan alat buatan standar.
with a standard prosthetic.
alat buatan standar,
the standard prosthetic,
Jadi dengan metode standar
And so with the standard method,
tanggapan metode standar dan
from the standard method and from
dengan metode standar.
start with the standard method first.
pada awal presentasi ini, bahwa dengan metode standar
beginning, that with the standard method,
Saya ingin menjelaskan beberapa hal mengenai metode standar.
I just wanted to say something about the standard method.
jika mereka semua tahu apa dua standar deviasi
if all of them knew what two standard deviations
Ini adalah sudah jadi standar di dunia industri.
These are standard in all the industrialized worlds.
tidak ada standar dalam pendidikan anak berbakat
no standards in gifted education
yang dalam pengelompokan diagnostik standar
which in standard diagnostic classification
di atas standar pre-industri.
of warming above pre-Industrial standards.
Model standar bisnis:
Standard business model:
Lalu, saya mengerjakan model standar budaya,
So, I tried to work on the standard model of culture,
ini fitur standar pada setiap Macintosh.
which comes as standard equipment on every Macintosh.
menaikkan standar secara kejam bagi pembicara-pembicara generasi berikutnya,
raising the bar cruelly for the next generation of speakers,
standar akurasinya adalah satu kesalahan setiap 10,000 pasang basa.
the standard of accuracy was one error per 10,000 base pairs.
Ada sebuah keping standar di sana. Lalu ada juga satu keping lagi
There's a chip there, a conventional one. Then there's one
dan Anda harus mengadopsi standar dasar dalam ilmu pengetahuan.
and you have to adopt the base standards in the sciences.
Namun mungkin kita tidak menyadari bahwa dalam sedan standar,
And yet we may not realize that in a standard sedan,
Intinya, kita harus membiarkan anak-anak kita sukses dengan standar mereka sendiri,
The point is, we have to let our children succeed on their own terms,
dan ya, kadang-kadang, gagal menurut standar mereka sendiri.
and yes, on occasion, fail on their own terms.
baiklah- saya tidak mau menaikkan standar,
well it's -- I don't want or need to raise the bar,
Patokan harga -- isu standar
Wallet guides -- standard issue
sekitar seperempat standar gipsum yang biasa.
of the embodied energy of standard sheetrock.
Jika Anda membuat itu menjadi opsi daripada suatu standar,
If you make that an option rather than the default,
Dan Anda cukup kaya menurut standar dunia secara keseluruhan.
And you're pretty rich by the standards of the world at large.
alat standar,
the default device,
dan dimanapun kami menemukan sebuah sekolah, kami melakukan sebuah tes standar,
and wherever we found a school, administered a set of standard tests,
Kami menggunakan teknik statistik standar, jadi saya tidak akan berbicara tentang itu.
We took standard statistical techniques, so I'm going to not talk about that.
Di dalam trafo standar ada dua kumparan kawat.
But inside a standard transformer are two coils of wire.
tapi mereka punya standar kerja yg tinggi.
but they want to do it to very high standards.
Hingga saat itu, sebelumnya saya adalah pejuang perusahaan standar --
Up until that moment, I had been that classic corporate warrior --
Dengan standar apapun ini salah.
By any standard this is wrong.
Seakan-akan, dilihat dari standar hidup Barat saya,
And it was as if through the standards of my Western life,
ikan itu dibesarkan di peternakan dengan standar kelestarian
it was farm-raised to the supposed highest standards
dan setinggi mungkin mempertahankan asumsi tersebut sesuai standar-standar ilmiah.
and hold them to the highest possible scientific standards.
karena itulah intervensi standar yang biasanya Anda dapatkan
because that's the standard intervention you typically get
berbeda standar dan
with a different standard and
tetapi standar originalitasnya begitu tinggi
but the novelty standard is so high,
standar originalitas untuk Patent U.S.
the novelty standard for a U.S. patent,
Standar originalitasnya sangat rendah
Very low novelty standard,
Tenyata itu karena saking rendahnya standar originalitas yang ada
It turns out it's because the novelty standard is too low.
saya akan mengambil kembali beberapa data dalam format standar
I will get back some data in a standard format