Indonesian to English
sup | see SOP. |
sup daging ayam rasa kari | mulligatawny |
sup jamur | mushroom soup |
sup kental | puree |
sup-buah kental | fruit puree |
supaya | so that, please |
supaya menarik perhatian | for effect |
supel | flexible, sociable |
super | 1 high-octane (of gasoline). 2 (Coll.) superior. |
super lembut | superfine |
super market | emporium |
super-klerk | super-clerk |
super-penghantar tak-ideal | non-ideal superconductor |
superfosfat | superphosphate |
superfungsi | superfunction |
superheated | superheated |
superheater | superheater |
superheterodin | superheterodyne |
superior | superior |
superioritas | superiority. |
superkalor nuklir | nuclear superheat |
ContohPikirkan hal itu seperti sup primordial, okay? Think of it like a primordial ooze, okay?
mirip kehidupan dari sup primordial seperti ini. properties from this kind of primordial ooze.
beberapa memiliki sup primordial di dalamnya, some that have primordial ooze in them,
Setiap harinya, saya memasak sepanci besar sup, At the end of each day, I made a huge pot of soup
ada sup berisi banyakn bahan kimia. there is a vast chemical soup of stuff.
Jadi ada semacam sup purba. So we have some kind of primordial soup.
Dan sup ini ternyata And this one happens to be
Dan mereka melihat apa yang ada di dalam sup itu, And they had a look at what was in the soup,
"Baiklah," kata George, "Saya akan mengambil sup." "That's fine," says George, "I'll take the soup."
Dan sebelumnya, ada sebuah sup, yang disebut "sup primordial" And before, there was this soup, called "soupe primordiale,"
ini merupakan sup yang pertama -- bloop bloop bloop -- this first soup -- bloop bloop bloop --
sedangkan ayam berakhir di dalam panci sup. and the chickens end up in the soup pot.
Secara biadab, kita membunuh ikan hiu untuk semangkuk sup sirip ikan, Barbarically, we're killing sharks for shark fin soup,
dengan melarutkan otak itu dalam sup. dissolving that brain into soup.
seperti sup yang jernih. like a clear soup.
Sup ini mengandunt semua inti sel This soup contains all the nuclei
Lalu, keindahan dari sup ini adalah karena bentuknya adalah sup, Now, the beauty of a soup is that because it is soup,
dan digunakan untuk sup cakar beruang, and they are used for bear paw soup,
Dan DNA berguncang dan bergoyang karena sup molekular di sekitarnya. And it's jiggling and wiggling there because of the surrounding soup of molecules,
Ini sampel dari hasil jaringan kita, lautan kita sudah menjadi seperti sup plastik. Here's what our trawl samples from the plastic soup our ocean has become look like.
mereka menganggap otak bagaikan sebuah kantong berisi sup bahan kimia as if the brain were some kind of bag of chemical soup
sehingga memang otak diperlakukan seperti sebuah kantong sup bahan kimia. as if the brain were indeed a bag of chemical soup.
Namun karena bahan kimia tidak menyirami otak bagai sup. It's just that they don't bathe the brain like soup.
tidak menyiram otak lalat ini seperti sup. is not bathing the brain of these flies like soup.
bahwa otak bukanlah sekantong sup bahan kimia, that the brain is not a bag of chemical soup,
hanya dengan mengubah rasa sup. just by changing the flavor of the soup.
Sup tomat, selai kacang, Tomato soup, peanut butter,
yang diolah menjadi sup tomat. that go to the tomato soup.
Tapi tetap ada tomat yang dibuat menjadi sup tomat. But there's tomatoes that end up in a soup,
Mengapa kita menaruh bakso daging ini di dalam sup, In fact, why would we put these balls in the soup,
Ini seperti resep sup ayam jaman dulu, It's almost like that old recipe for chicken soup