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Indonesian to English
tanah air fatherland
tanahland, country
airwater, liquit, juice


namun yang paling penting, kami membawa peperangan ini ke tanah air mereka,
but more importantly, it takes the war to their homelands,
sebagai salah satu lembaga besar di tanah air kita dan di dunia.
as one of the great institutions in our land and in the world.
tanah air saya, Polandia.
my homeland, Poland.
Patut diperhatikan, hampir seluruhnya dialirkan ke tanah air (Amerika),
And notice, most of that went to the motherland,
Koresh sang pembela tanah air,
Cyrus as the defender of the homeland,
"Tanah air adalah tanah air. Saya tidak akan pergi."
"Motherland is motherland. I will never leave."
Kekuatan tanah air
The power of motherland