Indonesian to English
telegrap | telegraph. |
telegrap cepat | high-speed telegraph |
telegrap kereta-api | railway-telegraph |
telegrap-tulis | recording-telegraph |
telegrapis | see TELEGRAFIS. |
telegraph | |
noun |
apparatus used to communicate at a distance over a wire (usually in Morse code)
peralatan yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi pada jarak melalui kabel (biasanya dalam kode Morse)
source: WordNet 3.0
american telephone amp telegraph dan american telephone telegraph and
amp telegraph dan ryder pada telegraph and ryder by
atau jam sebuah sounder telegraphic or clock a telegraphic sounder
demikian laporan daily telegraph jumat the daily telegraph reported friday
dia menekan telegrap ini lalu he clicked this telegraph then
express american telephone amp telegraph express american telephone telegraph
jam sebuah sounder telegraphic dll clock a telegraphic sounder etc
membawa telegraph and telephone sinyal carries telegraph and telephone signals
pesan yang ditransmisikan oleh radiotelegraph a message transmitted by radiotelegraph
stasiun radiotelegraphic melayani semata mata radiotelegraphic station serving solely
sudan demikian laporan daily telegraph sudan the daily telegraph reported
telephone amp telegraph dan ryder telephone telegraph and ryder
yang membawa telegraph and telephone that carries telegraph and telephone