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Indonesian to English
tersebar spread, scattered
tersebar luasnoise about (abroad)
tersebar luas dari mulut ke mulutspread from mouth to mouth


Suatu jenis induksi, seperti tersebar dari satu orang ke orang lain.
A kind of induction, a kind of spread from person to person.
Di sini, apa yang tersebar dari satu orang ke orang lainnya
Here, what's spreading from person to person
Sebuah ide tersebar.
An idea is spreading.
tersebar di bagian pinggir.
located at the edges.
yang tersebar di pertemuan keluarga, di jalan
shared in family gatherings, in the streets
Karena kami tinggal tersebar.
Because we lived scattered.
Ini adalah tanah tidak terkonsolidasi yang tersebar dengan metana cair.
This is an unconsolidated ground that is suffused with liquid methane.
jaringan litbang yang tersebar,
this distributed R&D network,
tersebar di seluruh dunia.
distributed across the world?"
pada umumnya tersebar luas di dunia,
are generally distributed widely in the world,
Denisovan jauh lebih tersebar di masa lalu,
that these Denisovans had been more widespread in the past,
Dan seperti yang Anda lihat, mereka tersebar dengan tidak merata.
And as you can see, they're very non-uniformly distributed.
Dan bagaimana mereka tersebar benar-benar berkontribusi
And how they're distributed really contributes
Merek dagang anda mulai tersebar.
Your brand starts being dispersed,
Pesan bagi bidang pemasaran adalah merek dagang anda menjadi lebih tersebar.
The message for marketing is that your brand is more dispersed.
Namun film ini telah tersebar luas.
But the film has really gone places.
Kami menyusun satu untuk anak-anak. Dan kini telah tersebar di seluruh Korea.
We did one for children. And now it is all over Korea.
tersebar di 50 kota di India.
across 50 cities and towns of India.
dan tersebar di seluruh dunia.
and it's ubiquitous worldwide.
Setelah sporulasi, spora-spora tersebar.
Now after sporulation, the spores repel.
videonya yang tersebar di Internet
her video that spread all across the internet
Hal ini tampak tersebar tanpa terdeteksi dengan sangat cepat.
It's viral. It seems to spread under the radar very, very quickly.
BG: Baik, semoga kata-katamu tersebar
BG: Well, hopefully we'll get the word out,
yang tersebar di 33 pulau.
spread out over 33 islands.
negara-negara itu tersebar.
you see countries all the way.
teknologi telah bebas tersebar dan mudah diakses.
technology has liberated and made it accessible.
dan tersebar luas di seluruh perusahaan.
and widespread company-wide.
Di tahun 1968, varroa mite tersebar di seluruh Asia
It's 1968, and we're pretty much covering Asia.
tersebar secara merata di dalam cairan
be distributed homogeneously in the liquid,
yang secara luas tersebar di seluruh otak.
is widely spread throughout the brain.
di mana kurang lebih setengah juta ranjau tersebar mana-mana,
where the roughly half-billion unaccounted for mines are scattered,
Ketika sudah tersebar, Ini semua bisa dipindah-pindahkan, atau dihapus,
When they're laid out, I can pull things to new locations or delete things
karena telah tersebar di seluruh dunia.
because it spread all around the world.
Dan penyakit tersebut telah tersebar ke seluruh dunia.
And the disease was all over the world.
ada banyak jalanan yang tersebar di daerah yang luas,
lots of roads dispersed over large areas,
jadi pada dasarnya genomnya masih hidup, hanya tidak tersebar merata.
and so basically its genome is alive, it's just unevenly distributed.
Kota kami sangat luas dan tersebar.
Our city is very spread out.
Foto tersebar dalam rentang waktu yang lebih lama.
The photos are spread out over a longer period of time.
namun tersebar di seluruh dunia. Saya akan menjelaskannya nanti.
but distributed around the world. I'll come to that.
Ini adalah jaringan yang tersebar.
And this is a distributed network.
di 15 negara. Kacamata ini tersebar di seluruh dunia.
And they're in fifteen countries. They're spread around the world.
kepada sekelompok masyarakat yang tersebar pada berbagai tepian jaringan.
to a group of people distributed at the edges of a network.
pada dunia luar, pada kumpulan pemirsa yang tersebar,
to the outside world, to the distributed collection of the audience,
Namun teknologi ini sungguh telah tersebar luas,
But it's a technology so pervasive,
Jadi anda bisa lihat, mereka tersebar di seluruh kota.
So you see, they are spread all over the city.
tersebar di seluruh dunia.
spread all across the world.
yang tersebar di Amerika Serikat.
that are scattered across the United States.
bagaimana virus ini tersebar pada tahun 1983 di dunia,
how the spread of the virus was in 1983 in the world,
Lihat, bulatan-bulatannya tersebar di seluruh dunia.
Look, you have bubbles all over the world here.
tersebar di lebih dari 20 negara.
was spread over more than 20 countries.