Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
tersumbat stepped up, gagged, clogged up.
tersumbat kerongkonganhad a lump in the throat
tersumbat mulutnyahad hot coppers


pembuluhnya tidak benar-benar tersumbat, gejalanya tidak kentara,
doesn't completely fill with clot, symptoms are subtle,
Bahwa arteri-arteri tersumbat ini yang anda lihat di kiri atas,
That these clogged arteries that you see on the upper left,
Lalu kita heran mengapa membrannya tersumbat
And then we wonder why the membrane clogs
Pembuluh nadi kita dapat tersumbat. otak kita terkena wabah
Our arteries can clog. Our brains can gunk up with plaque,
terhalang dan tersumbat.
is being blocked and clogged.