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Indonesian to English
tertidur fall asleep.


Mungkin Anda tertidur di kelas saat guru Anda menerangkan hal ini.
You were sleeping during that class.
Dan, seperti orang kebanyakan, ia tertidur saat khotbah.
And, as many people do, he was dozing off during the sermon.
Saat ia tertidur, orang-orang sedang membaca kitab Imamat dalam kitab Taurat.
And as he was dozing off, they were reading from the book of Leviticus in the Torah.
Pria itu tertidur, tapi ia mendengar kata-kata 'roti', 'rumah ibadah', 'Tuhan', dan ia pun terbangun.
The man was asleep, but he heard the words bread, temple, God, and he woke up.
dan ada yang tertidur
and the sleeping guy
dan duduk di samping pohon tua berumur 400 tahun dan tertidur.
and sat up beside this 400-year-old culturally modified tree and went to sleep.
Anda lihat, jika saya membaca seperti itu, aku akan tertidur.
You see, if I read like that, I'd fall asleep.
sehingga saya sering tertidur di sekolah.
where I was sleeping through high school.
ketika kita tertidur lelap tanpa mimpi
when we fall into deep sleep without dreams,
atau ketika kita tertidur pulas tanpa mimpi itu?
or when we are in deep, dreamless sleep?
dan tertidur,
and falling asleep,
berharap saya akan tertidur dalam 10 menit.
thinking it would put me to sleep in 10 minutes.
yang Al Qur'an namakan, keadaan tertidur kita, kematian yang lebih kecil,
the Koran calls our state of sleep "the lesser death,"
Dalam keadaan tertidur, kita mendapat mimpi-mimpi, kita mendapat penglihatan-penglihatan,
in our state of sleep we have dreams, we have visions,
Saya tertidur selama sebulan dan saat bangun
So I took to my bed for about a month, and when I woke up
Orang-orang yang membuat sepatu tertidur, terbangun di pagi hari
The people who make shoes go to sleep, wake up in the morning,
ada suatu kecelakaan yang buruk. Seorang lelaki, seorang lelaki tua, jatuh tertidur,
there was a terrible accident. A man, an old man, fell asleep,
pasangan Anda atau siapa saja di sebelah Anda, tertidur;
your spouse, or someone, is next to you, asleep;
untuk tetap membuatnya tertidur.
to keep her patient asleep.
tidak hanya apakah Anda tertidur atau terbangun, namun juga fase tidur Anda --
not just whether you're asleep or awake, but also your phase of sleep --
Orang Mesir yang sedang menjaga pembuatan bir tertidur
And the Egyptian who was tending the beer fell asleep
saat kita tertidur, namun itu tengah malam 15 tahun yang lalu.
you see, while we were asleep, but it was midnight 15 years ago. Okay?
dan bagaimana seseorang meracuninya saat dia tertidur.
and how someone was poisoning him in his sleep.
sampai tertidur
until it falls asleep
? kau tertidur di ranjangmu ?
? you lie asleep in your bed ?
ketika Anda tertidur,
when you fall asleep,
untuk keluar dari perekonomian yang tertidur,
of coming out of its slumbering economy,
Mereka hidup lama dan cenderung meninggal dunia saat tertidur,
They live a long time, and tend to die in their sleep,
walaupun Anda dapat tertidur, tubuh Anda
your body, even if you are able to sleep, your body
Dengan tulisannya sendiri, orang ini sedang tertidur,
By his own writing, this man was either asleep,