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thomas thomas


Dan saya pikir, sebenarnya -- Thomas Schelling,
And I think, actually -- Thomas Schelling,
Thomas Thwaites: Seperti yang Anda lihat, mereka sudah memasang dekorasi Natal.
Thomas Thwaites: As you can see, they had the Christmas decorations up.
BG: Thomas Thwaites. (TT: Terima kasih.)
BG: Thomas Thwaites. TT: Thanks.
Halo, nama saya Thomas Heatherwick.
Hello, my name is Thomas Heatherwick.
Thomas Heatherwick: Oke, Anda mengerti.
Thomas Heatherwick: Okay, you get the idea.
Juni Cohen: Terima kasih. Terima kasih, Thomas. Anda menyenangkan.
June Cohen: So thank you. Thank you, Thomas. You're a delight.
JC: Terima kasih Thomas.
JC: Thank you, Thomas.
Thomas Dolby: David Byrne.
Thomas Dolby: David Byrne.
["The Way of Chuang Tzu" Thomas Merton] ["Tao: The Watercourse Way" Alan Watts]
["The Way of Chuang Tzu" Thomas Merton]["Tao: The Watercourse Way" Alan Watts]
Thomas Edison mencoba
Thomas Edison went through
yang bekerja bersama Thomas Watson
who was working with Thomas Watson
Jadi Thomas Watson bukan mendengarkan kita.
So Thomas Watson wasn't listening to us.
tidak banyak berubah sejak jaman Thomas Edison.
hasn't changed much since Thomas Edison.
Thomas Edison pun pasti merasa sangat aman
Thomas Edison would have been very, very comfortable
yang Thomas Friedman katakan dengan tepatnya "dunia datar."
which Thomas Friedman so correctly called the "flat world."
Pendeta Thomas Bayes,
the Reverend Thomas Bayes,
Lima ratus tahun lalu inilah yang ditanyakan oleh Thomas More.
500 years ago it's what Thomas More was asking himself.
Utopia sebenarnya adalah kata yang sengaja digunakan oleh Thomas Moore.
Utopia was actually a word that Thomas Moore used deliberately.
Thomas Dolby: Dengan gembira
Thomas Dolby: For pure pleasure
dan Thomas yang membantu saya di atas panggung.
and Thomas who's helping me onstage.
Dia kini menjaga jaraknya dengan Thomas.
He's now keeping a constant distance to Thomas.
Baiklah, terima kasih, Thomas.
All right, thank you, Thomas.
Sejarawan Thomas Carlyle
The historian Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Edison menemukan pemutus arus listrik pada tahun 1879.
Well, Thomas Edison invented the circuit breaker in 1879.
Thomas Jefferson dengan Deklarasi Kemerdekaannya --
Thomas Jefferson with the Declaration of Independence --
Boo Hewerdine, Thomas Dolby.
Boo Hewerdine, Thomas Dolby,
Di sini Thomas Mann berbicara tentang simetri di dalam "Gunung Ajaib."
Here is Thomas Mann talking about symmetry in "The Magic Mountain."
Bagi Galosi, simetri -- tidak seperti Thomas Mann,
For Galois, symmetry -- unlike for Thomas Mann,
ada -- salah satu dari krunya, pria bernama Thomas Orde-Lees.
there was -- one of his crew, a guy called Thomas Orde-Lees.
begitu pula St. Thomas Aquinas.
and neither did St. Thomas Aquinas.
ternyata milik Thomas Jefferson. 1787, 1784.
apparently the property of Thomas Jefferson. 1787, 1784.
Thomas Edison pernah berkata,
Thomas Edison once said,
yang diilustrasikan dengan cantik oleh Thomas Cole
beautifully illustrated by Thomas Cole's
Thomas Edison, Wright bersaudara,
to Thomas Edison to the Wright Brothers,
oleh Thomas Reed,
by Thomas Reed,
dari apa yang oleh pemenang nobel Thomas Schelling
of what Nobel Prize winner Thomas Schelling
Ini adalah Thomas DeMarse di Universitas Florida.
This is Thomas DeMarse at the University of Florida.
Thomas Jefferson, saya pikir, benar-benar mengungkapkannya dengan baik.
Thomas Jefferson, I think, really expressed this quite well.
untuk buku baru Thomas Friedman.
for Thomas Friedman's new book.
adalah dunia datarnya Thomas Friedman.
is the flat world of Thomas Friedman,
Mereka berpikir bahwa dia adalah seseorang bernama Sir Thomas Overbury,
They thought it was a man named Sir Thomas Overbury,