Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
tiap-tiap every
tiap-tiap hariday in and day out
tiap-tiap malamnight after night
tiap-tiap orangper head
tiap-tiap tahunannually


Sekarang, bayangkan tiap-tiap verietas ini berbeda satu sama lain
Now, imagine each one of these varieties as being distinct from another
dan menerbitkannya di website tersebut tiap-tiap minggu.
and posts them on his website every week.
dan itu karena tiap-tiap tujuannya terukur.
and that is because each and every one is measured.
balita (bawah lima tahun) di tiap-tiap negara.
below five years of age for all countries --
tiap-tiap modul tersebut dapat dispesifikasikan,
each of which could be individually specified,
tersedia untuk siapa saja, tiap-tiap orang mengambil
and open-source, different people take them
dan saya letakkan piring itu agar terlihat jelas pada tiap-tiap lemari es.
and I left those plates in the same refrigerators.
tiap-tiap anak dianggap,
in which each child was seen --
dan menjadi berarti bagi tiap-tiap kehidupan.
and being meaningful in each other's lives.