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tiga bulan three months
tigathree, ketiga : third
bulanmonth, moon


lantai dan atap diselesaikan dalam tiga bulan.
in three months it had roofs and floors.
kira-kira tiga bulan sebelum genosida, dia berpindah haluan
about three months before the genocide, she switched parties
Setelah tiga bulan dalam barak pengungsi,
After three months in a refugee camp,
Tiga bulan kemudian saya telah pindah
Three months later I had relocated,
Beginilah wujudnya selama tiga bulan.
This is what it looked like for three months.
Selama tiga bulan, lampu otomatis di luar tak pernah padam
For three months, the automatic lights outside did not go off
Dan selama tiga bulan dalam setahun,
And for three months out of the year,
selama tiga bulan dalam setahun turun menjadi -50.
For three months out of the year, they go to 50 below zero.
tiga bulan kemudian, mereka lebih bahagia dan lebih sedikit depresi,
three months later, they're both happier and less depressed.
Jadi, tiga bulan setelah TED saya berada di pesawat
So, three months after TED I found myself on a plane
Tiga bulan setelahnya, saya melakukan peragaan busana pertama saya untuk Alexander McQueen
Three months after that, I did my first runway show for Alexander McQueen
Dalam kasus saya, setiap tiga bulan.
In my case it's quarterly.
Dan kemarin dia memberitahu saya dalam waktu tiga bulan sejak kami memulainya,
And she told me last night, in the three months since we've done it,
Selama tiga bulan lebih
Well, they took, over a three-month period,
dalam tiga bulan sejak mereka berusia 15 bulan.
in the three months from when they were 15 months old.
dan kembali tiga bulan kemudian.
and came back three months later.
dalam jangka waktu paling sedikit tiga bulan, pejabat berwenang tersebut akan menelpon anda,
within three months the elected official will start calling you
tiga bulan setelah kelahiran anak keempat saya,
three months after the birth of my fourth child,
tiga bulan --
three months --
dalam waktu tiga bulan.
in three month's time.
Karena ternyata saya menghabiskan tiga bulan.
-- because it turned out to be three months.
sekitar tiga bulan setelah Vivian mulai bekerja di sana.
about three months after Vivian started working there.
Lalu hanya tiga bulan kemudian
Then it just took another three months
saat dia datang ke klinik saya sekitar tiga bulan setelah terkilir.
when she came to my clinic about three months after her sprain.
dibutuhkan waktu tiga bulan bagi mereka untuk mengakui itu terjadi.
it took them three months to admit that it had happened.
Ini adalah kapal tempat saya menghabiskan tiga bulan terakhir ini di Antartika.
This is the ship that I spent the last three months on in the Antarctic.
tiga bulan lebih awal dibandingkan Henry --
three months earlier than Henry does --