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Indonesian to English
tupai squirrel. tupai-belang striped squirrel. tupai-cerlih k.o. small squirrel. tupai-kerawak k.o. large squirrel with reddish fur.
tupai berlorengchipmuck
tupai chipmunkchipmunk
tupai hamsterhamster
tupai-tupaiclamps on a boat.


Kita merasa Usain Bolt itu cepat. Usain Bolt pasti kalah dengan tupai.
We think Usain Bolt is fast. Usain Bolt can get his ass kicked by a squirrel.
ini bisa dijadikan perlombaan Olimpiade: lepaskan seekor tupai.
That would be an Olympic event: turn a squirrel loose --
tikus gurun, tupai.
gerbils, squirrels.
Sebagai contoh, tupai akan muncul, mencari kacang, pergi.
Squirrels, for example, would show up, look for the peanut, go away.
"Seekor tupai yang sekarat di halaman depan Anda
"A squirrel dying in your front yard