Indonesian to English
uri | placenta, afterbirth |
urik | pick, pluck |
urine | urine |
uring | (M) groove between nose and upper lip. |
uring-uringan | (Java) grumble angrily, be angry. |
uris | dash. uris-datar dash. uris-miring slant, virgule. |
Contohsaya harus merancang -- dan kami merancangnya bersama Uri Galili dan Tom Turek -- I have to design -- and we designed with Uri Galili and Tom Turek --
oleh Uri Gneezy dan Aldo Rustichini by Uri Gneezy and Aldo Rustichini,
abad ketujuh belas para maurists the seventeenth century the maurists
abadi dunia lama thistle berduri perennial old world prickly thistles
abby menghilang tapi sekuriti bilang abby missing but security says
abu abu keabu abuan taburi gray grayish sprinkled
abunya dan duri untuk membuat brushwood and thorns for making
acanthus memiliki besar berduri daun acanthus having large spiny leaves
ada duri memiliki racemes dari any spines having racemes of
ada kekhawatiran bahwa murid salafiyah the concern that salafiyah students
ada pula orang tua murid there are parents
ada satuan satuan prajurit khusus there are special soldier units
ada seekor gurita bergerak melintasi there an octopus moving across
ada sesuatu yang mencurigakan segera there is anything suspicious please
ada sesuatu yang pasti mencurigakan there is something inherently suspect
ada suri tauladan yang baik a good example
ada yang mencuri dompetnya seperti someone stealing your wallet like