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English to Indonesian
and there dan di sana
anddan, juga
theredi sana, kesana


Opens it up and there's a pearl necklace inside.
Dia membuka dan menunjukkan kalung mutiara di dalamnya.
And there are so many ways we can connect to people.
Dan ada banyak cara kita dapat berhubungan dengan orang lain.
And there's this loud, thrilling music in the background,
Lalu ada musik latar belakang yang mendebarkan
And there's few things more thrilling
Dan ada beberapa hal yang lebih mendebarkan
And there's some things
Dan ada beberapa hal
And there really were no good solutions.
Dan tidak ada jalan keluar yang benar-benar bagus.
And there are some charity workers who call this compassion fatigue.
Beberapa pekerja sosial menyebut ini sebagai kelelahan belas kasih.
And there's a lovely rabbinic interpretation of the beginnings of creation,
Ada sebuah penafsiran Rabi yang indah tentang awal mula penciptaan
and there were, like, 3,500 citizens who believed in that
sekitar 3500 warga negara yang meyakini hal yang sama
And there were people, strategists, within the U.S. military
Banyak orang, ahli strategi, dalam militer Amerika Serikat
And there's a little incendiary device inside of it,
Ada alat pembakar kecil di dalamnya,
and there's no way the enemy can ever get their hands on it.
sehingga musuh tak bisa mendapatkannya.
And there's not just one of these, there's many of them.
Dan ini tidak hanya ada satu, namun banyak.
And there's actually an instruction on the punch card
Dan ada juga perintah di dalam kartu pons
And there's predictions that we'll be nine billion by 2050.
Dan ada perkiraan jumlah penduduk dunia akan mencapai 9 miliar di tahun 2050.
And there are features that look tectonic.
Dan ada beberapa fitur yang terlihat tektonik.
And there is a lake scene in the south polar region of Titan.
Dan ada sebuah pemandangan danau di bagian kutub selatan dari Titan.
And there's other genetic tricks you can play
Ada trik genetik lain yang dapat Anda mainkan
And there's a little clock in the lower left-hand corner,
Ada jam kecil di ujung kiri bawah sana,
But that's obviously irreversible, and there could be side effects.
Itu jelas-jelas tidak dapat dikembalikan lagi, dan bisa ada efek samping.
It's a six-arm maze. And there's a bit of water in the maze
Ini adalah labirin berlengan-enam. Ada sedikit air di dalamnya
And there was that same awkward silence
Pertanyaan saya diikuti oleh keheningan canggung
and there was just like a whole bunch of girls and a whole bunch of boys,
Dan ada segerombolan pria dan wanita.
and there was a bunch of men and women and they just started doing it, Mom?
Lalu apakah segerombolan pria dan wanita ini langsung melakukannya?
and there's more and more of it,
Dan ada lebih banyak plankton
And there's no better, sexier,
Tidak ada spesies megafauna karismatik yang lebih baik,
and there's this monstrous leopard seal.
dan ada anjing laut tutul besar ini.
And there, for the first time, I encountered the other religious traditions:
Di sana, untuk pertama kalinya saya menemukan tradisi agama lain:
and there's a waste of waste.
dan membuang sampah itu sendiri.
also have spread by birds here and there
juga disebarkan oleh burung-burung ke mana-mana
and there I met my incredible wife, Cynthia,
Di sana saya bertemu istri saya yang mengagumkan, Cynthia,
And there is no group
Dan kelompok yang
And there's schools and clinics and shops.
Ada beberapa sekolah, klinik dan toko.
and there are others opening every day.
dan lainnya mulai buka setiap hari.
and there was, of course, the Batcave.
dan tentu saja, Gua Kelelawar. (Batcave milik Batman)
And there is about 1,000 square feet of hanging-out space inside.
dan ada sekitar 92 meter persegi tempat nongkrong didalamnya.
and there is a professional-size boxing ring inside.
ada ring tinju ukuran profesional.
and there are all these sorts of graphs
dan ada segala macam grafik ini
and there were terrific changes in the earth.
Dan ada perubahan luar biasa.
And there you can see that woodcut
Dan Anda lihat di gambar ini
and there were snails eating the unhydrolyzed bits of potato.
siput memakan sisa-sisa kentang yang belum terhidrolisis.
And there'd also be an extinction event --
Lalu ada juga peristiwa kepunahan --
And there it is on the shelves.
Dan itu dia di atas rak.
And there is some good news to report today.
Dan ada beberapa berita baik yang dapat saya sampaikan hari ini.
and there are predictable solutions.
dan ini adalah solusi yang dapat diprediksi.
and there have been books that have criticized U.S. aid.
Dan ada buku yang mengkritik bantuan AS.
and there was some construction a few yards away,
dan ada beberapa bangunan beberapa meter jauhnya,
And there's a book -- John Gartner.
Ada buku - John Gartner.
And there was an article written in the New York Times,
ada artikel di New York Times,
and there were older, earlier forms of humans there.
dan ada bentuk manusia yang lebih tua di sana.