Kamus Mobile
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as many as sebanyak


And they can start producing from the trees as many as they like.
Dan mereka mulai mendapat hasil dari pepohonan sebanyak yang mereka inginkan
A few. Probably about as many as there are creative people here.
Beberapa. Mungkin sekitar sebanyak orang-orang kreatif di sini.
are thought potentially to contain as many as a billion different types.
mungkin dapat memuat milyaran tipe lainnya.
at least 40 times, maybe as many as 50 separate times
paling sedikit, 40 kali, bahkan 50 kali secara terpisah
after perhaps as many as 100,000
setelah mungkin sekitar 100.000
As many as 30 other parts that selectively make more sense,
Kurang lebih ada 30 bagian lain yang masing-masing mencerna,