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Indonesian to English
sebanyak . sepertias much as
sebanyak dapat dilihateyeful
sebanyak denganso much as
sebanyak empat darifour of
sebanyak enamsix of
sebanyak ini; sekianthis much
sebanyak itu lagias many again
sebanyak limafive of
sebanyak mungkinas much of
sebanyak tigathree of
sebanyak tujuhseven of
sebanyak yang dapat dilihateyefull
sebanyak-banyaknyaas many as posible, as much as posible


seperti apa yang Anda sudah dengar sekarang sebanyak 7 juta kali,
as you guys have now heard seven million times,
menyelamatkan penguin sebanyak ini?
to save this many oiled penguins?
untuk menangani penguin tercemar sebanyak itu sekaligus.
to deal with so many oiled penguins at once.
Dia telah meminta bantuan sebanyak 18.000 poundsterling setahun--
He's pledged to live on 18,000 pounds a year --
menghabiskan sebanyak 50 sampai 100 jam.
putting in 50 to 100 hours.
kumpulan dari roda gigi sebanyak 30 buah.
stacks and stacks of cogs, 30 cogs high.
masuk ke air dengan sebanyak mungkin anjing laut tutul yang saya bisa
get in the water with as many leopard seals as I possibly can
membiarkan mereka makan sebanyak atau sesedikit yang mereka mau.
they were allowed to help themselves to as much or as little as they wanted.
sebanyak yang saya perlu.
as many times as I needed.
menyobek dokumen-dokumen sebanyak mungkin
shredded as many of the documents as they could
kira-kira sebanyak itu.
in the order of that.
dengan lalu lintas pesawat yang tidak sebanyak kemampuannya.
that don't see nearly as many aircraft operations a day as they could.
tidak terbang sebanyak yang kita inginkan:
don't fly as much as we'd like to:
adalah meningkatkan jumlah sampelnya sebanyak 10 kali lipat atau lebih --
is increase our sample size by an order of magnitude or more --
Lalu dari mana Anda bisa mendapat air sebanyak itu?
And where in the world would you find such water?
Sebanyak apapun energi yang saya keluarkan
As much energy as I put into them
Sebanyak 150 seniman membantu merancang pernikahan saya secara sukarela.
150 artists volunteered to help me with my wedding.
Bila Anda mengamati curah hujannya, ternyata naik juga sebanyak 20%
If you look at rainfall, it was already up 20 percent at that time.
Dan mereka mulai mendapat hasil dari pepohonan sebanyak yang mereka inginkan
And they can start producing from the trees as many as they like.
Artinya adalah anda dapat mengumpulkan sebanyak apapun data
What this means is you can gather more and more data
Beberapa. Mungkin sekitar sebanyak orang-orang kreatif di sini.
A few. Probably about as many as there are creative people here.
Dan jika Anda benar-benar dapat menumpuk gelas sebanyak itu,
And if you could actually stack up that many cups in real life,
sebanyak itu jika Anda tidak peduli.
and time if you don't really care.
yang jatuh di bawah garis kemiskinan bertambah sebanyak 4 persen.
dropping below the poverty line is up by four percent.
Persentase keluarga tanpa pelayanan kesehatan bertahan sebanyak 4 persen.
The percentage of working families without health care up by four percent.
Walaupun itu tidak menelan korban jiwa sebanyak yang terjadi di Amerika Serikat ketika 9/11,
I think even though they didn't claim as many lives as we lost in the United States on 9/11,
untuk menolong sebanyak-banyaknya, secepat yang kita bisa,
to save as many lives as quickly as we can,
memangkas harga pupuk dan bunga pinjaman kredit mikro sebanyak 30%
cut the cost of fertilizer and the interest rates on microcredit loans by 30 percent
Dan mereka akan mulai mengkonsumsi energi sebanyak Barat Tua.
And they will start to use as much as the Old West are doing already.
Anda memerlukan batubara sebanyak ini.
you'd need this much coal.
ayah saya sedang mengetik gugatan untuk kepentingan publik sebanyak 70 halaman
he was typing a 70-page public interest litigation
dengan jumlah CO2 di udara sebanyak dua kali lipat.
with twice the amount of CO2 in the air.
Saya bicara dengan para pekerja seksual, sebanyak 15.000 orang
I do speak to sex workers, 15,000 of them
Yaitu kehidupan di mana Anda memiliki emosi positif sebanyak mungkin,
This is a life in which you have as much positive emotion as you possibly can,
memiliki kesenangan sebanyak mungkin,
it's having as many of the pleasures as you can,
emosi positif sebanyak mungkin,
as much positive emotion as you can,
Dan kemudian membentuk kembali kehidupan Anda untuk bisa menggunakannya sebanyak mungkin.
And then re-crafting your life to use them as much as you possibly can.
dan membentuk kembali pekerjaannya dengan menggunakannya sebanyak mungkin.
and re-craft work to use them as much as possible.
Jadi kami bertanya -- sebanyak 15 replikasi yang melibatkan ribuan orang --
So we ask -- and we've done this in 15 replications involving thousands of people --
membuat energi bersih sebanyak itu.
to build that much clean energy.
sekumpulan buku sebanyak lima juta,
is a collection of five million books,
Kita akan tidur sebanyak-banyaknya, secara harfiah.
We are literally going to sleep our way to the top, literally.
tidak sebanyak sorakan di rumah saya untuk hip hop.
not as many woohoos for hip-hop in the house.
agar sebanyak mungkin orang melihatnya.
to get as many people to see it as possible.
dan saya mau kamu untuk merubah lingkaran sebanyak yang kamu bisa,
and I want you to adapt as many of those circles as you can
Saya mau kamu melakukan sebanyak mungkin yang kamu bisa,
I want you to do as many of them as you can,
Saya hanya mau kamu mengisi lingkaran sebanyak mungkin.
I just wanted you to fill in as many circles as possible.
menghabiskan sebanyak 50 persen dari waktu bermain mereka
spends as much as 50 percent of their play time
adalah untuk membalik <em>waterfall</em> sebanyak mungkin.
is to reverse the waterfall as much as possible.
mengeluarkan sebanyak-banyaknya karbon dari tanah secepat mungkin,
of taking as much carbon out of the ground as quickly as possible,