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English to Indonesian
as soon as secepat


as soon as the analytical engine exists,
segera setelah mesin analitis ini muncul,
But as soon as we go hunting for massive primes,
Tapi segera setelah kita mulai berburu bilangan prima raksasa,
to be married as soon as I reached puberty.
dan akan dinikahkan segera sesudah akil balik.
but afterwards, as soon as the wind stabilizes,
tapi setelah itu, begitu anginnya stabil kembali,
As soon as the door closed...
Begitu pintu ditutup ...
And as soon as you've got that idea,
Dan segera setelah Anda mendapat gambaran tersebut,
And as soon as people heard about the punishment issue going on,
Seketika mendengar masalah hukuman diberlakukan,
as soon as you see it you immediately
segera kamu melihat ini, kamu akan
Now as soon as I had this idea,
Segera setelah saya mendapatkan ide ini,
it's like as soon as I would hear him cry,
sepertinya begitu saya mendengar Kendall menangis
and as soon as one car sees that guy
dan segera setelah satu mobil melihat orang ini
How? As soon as it starts, you just tear it off.
Bagaimana? Setelah kertasnya keluar, Anda langsung sobek.
so they're trained that, as soon as things go bad,
jadi dalam latihannya, begitu situasi memburuk,
And as soon as they saw me they said,
Dan begitu mereka melihat saya mereka berkata,
and it goes into the oven. As soon as the interior temperature of that dough
dan dimasukkan dalam oven. Segera setelah suhu bagian dalam adonan
As soon as we moved to New England -- you know,
Segera setelah kami pindah ke New England -- Anda tahu --
But as soon as it starts to flash --
Namun segera setelah mulai berkilat --
as soon as possible.
secepat mungkin.
As soon as he got to the lab,
Segera setelah ayah masuk ke lab,
then we destroy that information as soon as possible.
kami hancurkan informasi tersebut secepat mungkin.
as soon as that tracking was done
segera setelah penjejakan dilakukan hingga
And as soon as I started this work,
Dan segera setelah saya mulai pekerjaan ini,
We start forming cliques as soon as we're old enough
Kita mulai menjalin hubungan segera setelah kita mengerti
Of course, as soon as you say something like this
Tentu saja, mendengar hal seperti ini
Now as soon as I pop the teat,
Sekarang segera setelah saya buka tutupnya,
And as soon as the inevitability bit becomes a little bit unclear --
Dan segera setelah yang tidak terelakkan menjadi sedikit tidak jelas --
But I intend to move it up to one year per year as soon as possible.
Namun saya ingin menaikkannya menjadi satu tahun per tahun secepat mungkin.
as soon as the website is tried to shut down.
begitu situsnya ditutup.
So get peacekeepers there, but get them home as soon as possible.
Jadi, tempatkan pasukan penjaga perdamaian di sana, tapi pulangkan mereka secepat mungkin.
and the bacteria die as soon as we stop feeding them.
dan bakteri itu akan langsung mati jika kita tidak memberi mereka makan.
as soon as possible.
secepat mungkin.
Actually, as soon as someone turns it on,
Sebenarnya, segera setelah seseorang menyalakannya,
As soon as you start seeing things from the plant's point of view or the animal's point of view,
Segera setelah anda mulai melihat semua hal dari sudut pandang tanaman atau hewan,
as soon as possible.
secepat mungkin.
And she says, "I made that decision, and as soon as I made it,
Lalu dia berkata, "Saya sudah memutuskan, dan segera setelah saya memutuskannya,
and as soon as I did, you got this incredibly severe look
dan segera setelah itu, wajah saya menerima tatapan yang sangat aneh
And as soon as they had laid all these,
Dan setelah mereka meletakkan semua payungnya,
And as soon as I hit,
Dan sesegera saya membentur tanah,
And as soon as the crabs touched the arm, it was lights out.
dan saat kepiting-kepiting tersentuh jaringnya, habis lah mereka.