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English to Indonesian
at best paling baik


or at best, microfinance.
ekonomi mikro semata.
to, at best, World War II, for the most part.
sampai, paling bagus, Perang Dunia II, sebagian besar.
At best, he thought, it had to have been a hallucination --
Yang paling mungkin, menurutnya, kejadian tersebut merupakan halusinasi --
were slim at best.
sangatlah kecil.
we've gone from 26 billion to, at best, maybe 13 billion tons,
kita telah turun dari 26 milyar, hingga mungkin 13 milyar ton,
is unethical at best?
diperlakukan sangat tidak etis?
84 dollars and 97 cents at Best Buy
dengan $84,97 kau dapat membeli
But at best they can reach for something more
Namun yang terbaik, teka-teki dapat mencapai
at best they may have created
paling banyak mereka membuat