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English to Indonesian
beside di sebelah, di samping, dibandingkan
beside oneselfmarah
beside the marktdk ada hubnya/sangkut-pautnya dgn
beside the pointtak mengenai pokoknya
beside the questiontak mengenai persoalannya
besideslagipula, juga
At the side of; on one side of.
Di sisi; pada satu sisi.
source: WordNet 3.0


right beside me, three feet away from me,
tepat di sebelah saya, tiga kaki dari saya,
and sat up beside this 400-year-old culturally modified tree and went to sleep.
dan duduk di samping pohon tua berumur 400 tahun dan tertidur.
beside people they didn't know,
di sebelah orang yang tidak mereka kenal,
And I stood there beside two very good friends of mine,
Saya berdiri bersama dua teman baik saya.
And Jeff came up beside me and said,
Dan Jeff datang ke samping saya dan berkata,
Beside that photograph there is the information about his life.
Di samping foto tersebut ada informasi tentang hidupnya.
She'd lie beside me
Dia akan ikut berbaring bersama saya
They already have four children beside them. You can see them.
Mereka sudah punya empat anak. Anda bisa melihat mereka.
I was beside myself.
Saya menyendiri.
are coming here to stand beside us?"
datang dan berdiri di samping kami?"
beside a bottle of pills with a pen and paper in my hand
di samping sebuah botol berisi pil dengan pulpen dan kertas di tangan saya
who was crying over beside me.
yang saat itu menangis di sisi saya.
everyone that's ever woken up beside you,
semua yang pernah bangun di samping Anda,
that I can sit beside you, easel-side,
saya dapat duduk di sebelah Anda