English to Indonesian
dropped | [meneteskan/jatuh] |
dropped a brick | berbuat sesuatu yang kasar |
dropped a hint | memberi isyarat |
dropped a line | menulis ringkas |
dropped a stitch | melepas tusuknya |
dropped asleep | tertidur |
dropped away | menghilang |
dropped behind | tertinggal |
dropped by | mampir |
dropped coverage | liputan urung |
dropped down | berlayar menuju ke hilir |
dropped in | singgah |
dropped in or in on | mampir dengan tak disangka-san |
dropped into | menyerang mendadak |
dropped off | tertidur |
dropped on | mampir |
dropped out | mengundurkan diri |
dropped out of | mundur dari |
dropped the ball | memutuskan hubungan |
dropped the curtain | menutup layar |
dropped the pilot | memecat penasihat terpercaya |
Example(s)the Allies dropped 85,000 bombs Sekutu menjatuhkan 85.000 bom
and they dropped thousands of bombs, dan mereka menjatuhkan ribuan bom,
dropped a very large thermonuclear device menjatuhkan sebuah bom nuklir yang amat besar
have dropped their leaves and are standing there naked. telah meranggas dan berdiri dengan telanjang di sana.
have dropped their leaves. telah meranggas.
I dropped down in this ice hole, just through that hole that you just saw, Saya turun ke lubang es ini, melalui lubang yang telah Anda lihat,
We dropped them gently in. Kami mengatur kemiringannya dengan baik.
Amazon webhosting dropped Wikileaks as a customer Amazon melepas Wikileaks dari pelanggan
They first dropped some dummies. Pertama mereka menjatuhkan boneka.
These are the dummies being dropped from 100,000 feet, Ada model yang dijatuhkan dari ketinggian 100.000 kaki.
to the roots of the trees that have just dropped that leaf within 24 hours. ke akar-akar pohon yang merontokkan daun tadi dalam 24 jam.
They had bad grades. Some of them dropped out. Nilai sekolah buruk. Beberapa putus sekolah.
because the penny has dropped. karena telah tersadarkan.
and dropped her bag on the floor, pointed up to the sign and said, dan menjatuhkan tasnya ke lantai, menunjuk ke papan tanda dan berkata,
? CD sales have dropped every year ? ? Penjualan CD telah berkurang setiap tahun ?
and the flush toilet, and disease dropped dramatically. dengan toilet siram, dan penyakit ini berkurang drastis.
Child mortality dropped by the most Terjadi penurunan kematian anak
it had ever dropped in history. yang terbesar dalam sejarah.
Her mouth dropped open when she saw me, Mulutnya menganga saat ia melihat saya,
Those who were still around in school, besides the people who had dropped out. oleh mereka yang bertahan di sekolah, sisanya putus sekolah semua.
participation rates have now dropped tingkat partisipasinya sekarang jatuh
One was when I had been dropped off by boat Suatu kali saya diturunkan dari kapal
I never did this. I dropped it just like this, Saya tidak pernah melakukannya. Saya menghentikannya
and his quilt dropped in a pan of fire that kept him warm. dan selimutnya terjatuh ke dalam suatu wajan berapi yang menjaganya tetap hangat.
I have dropped a blob of organic yogurt Saya menjatuhkan segumpal yogurt organik
he dropped out of school. dia keluar dari sekolah.
is usually something you find that you dropped someplace. biasanya adalah sesuatu yang telah Anda jatuhkan.
Nathaniel dropped out of Juilliard, he suffered a complete breakdown, Nathaniel keluar dari Juilliard, dia benar-benar hancur,
Our employee turnover dropped Tingkat keluar masuk pegawai kami turun drastis
dropped me off at the edge of the pack ice. menurunkan saya di tepi es.
WK: After I dropped out of school, I went to library, WK: Setelah saya drop out dari sekolah, saya pergi ke perpustakaan.
You still see the beeswax dripping. When they dropped, they sealed it. Anda masih dapat melihat lilin lebah yang jatuh, yang tersegel saat jatuh.
The price of energy dropped. Harga energi jatuh.
which dropped, without restraint, yang menjatuhkan, tanpa kontrol,
as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, dibandingkan bom atom di Hiroshima
although his tweets have dropped off as of late, walaupun tulisannya sudah banyak berkurang belakangan ini,
they dropped. penglihatan saya memburuk.
this is from before Dean dropped out. berita ini diambil dari artikel tentang Dean sebelum dia berhenti.
And then the charges of treason were dropped. Kemudian dakwaan pengkhianatan dibatalkan.
the value of her art dropped to nothing. nilai karyanya jatuh.
The vertebra at L1 was like you'd dropped a peanut, Vertebra pada L1 seperti Anda menjatuhkan kacang,
that governments have dropped this ball bahwa pemerintah telah menjatuhkan bolanya.
that governments have dropped. yang telah dijatuhkan pemerintah.
has dropped its percentage persentasenya telah menurun
She dropped them off, and then they would swim away. Ia menjatuhkan penguin itu dan berenang menjauh.
because the government has dropped the ball on much of this, I’m afraid. karena sayangnya, pemerintah telah berhenti mendanai bidang-bidang tersebut.
Well, it had its day in the sun and then it dropped off the charts, Yah, video itu memiliki masa kejayaannya dan kemudian turun dari tangga lagu.
dropped out of compassion. jauh dari belas kasih.
because they dropped two or three decent items. karena mereka melewatkan dua atau 3 hal yang penting.
and the psycho-social stress has dropped significantly, dan tekanan psiko-sosial banyak mengalami penurunan,