Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
for minutes selama beberapa menit
enough fuel for minutes
bahan bakar cukup untuk menit
toiled for minutes against
bekerja keras selama menit melawan
move for minutes or you
bergerak selama menit atau anda
he went out for minutes
dia pergi keluar selama menit
alive without breathing for minutes
hidup tanpa bernapas selama menit
of a starship for minutes
kapal luar angkasa selama menit
for minutes or you die
selama menit atau anda mati
for minutes and after that
selama menit dan setelah itu
for minutes each day from
selama menit setiap harinya antara
for minutes a world record
selama menit suatu rekor dunia
every friday for minutes
setiap hari jumat selama menit
here sir for minutes okay
sini sir selama menit oke
river for minutes or more
sungai selama menit atau lebih
could not stand for minutes
tak bisa bertahan selama menit
goal for minutes a
tidak kebobolan selama menit suatu