Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
selama beberapa menit for minutes
selamaduring, while, as long as
beberapasome, several


Jadi dia terlihat mengancam selama beberapa menit,
So she did this threat display for a few minutes,
menusuk dirinya sendiri melalui kulit untuk menghibur kita selama beberapa menit."
to stab himself through the skin to entertain us for a few minutes.
namun saya rasa setiap orang yang berbicara dengan saya selama beberapa menit
but I think that anyone who talks to me for more than a couple of minutes
Dan apabila hal ini dilakukan selama beberapa menit,
And if you do that for a couple of minutes,
di London selama beberapa menit ke depan, dan menceritakan kisah --
in London for the next few minutes, and tell the story --
selama beberapa menit ke depan
for the next few minutes
Jika saya membiarkan kebisingan ini selama beberapa menit
If I left this pink noise on for more than a couple of minutes,
tetapi baru menjadi menteri luar negeri selama beberapa menit."
but I've only been Secretary of State for a few minutes."