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English to Indonesian
look around memandang sekeliling


and you could just look around in this world
dan Anda dapat melihat dunia
and look around at each other
dan melihat ke sekeliling
and you wake up the next morning, and you look around you,
dan Anda bangun keesokan paginya dan melihat
Look around the room: chairs, wood,
Lihatlah di sekeliling ruangan, kursi, kayu.
If we look around us,
Jika kita melihat sekeliling,
is to look around and see: what are the abundant resources
adalah untuk melihat dan mencari: apa sumber daya yang berlimpah
I could look around our garden
Saya dapat melihat sekeliling halaman rumah kami
And at a certain point, you look around,
Dan pada titik tertentu Anda melihat sekeliling,
Look around. Everywhere. Look at your smart phone.
Lihatlah di sekitar. Di mana-mana. Lihatlah ponsel Anda.
Then if you look around you in the bathroom,
Lalu jika anda melihat di sekitar kamar mandi,
but really everywhere you look around, we were surrounded by images like this.
tapi ke manapun Anda melihat, kami dikepung oleh gambaran seperti ini.
and raise your head and look around
menegakkan kepala dan melihat
So as I look around this room
Jadi saat saya melihat ke sekeliling ruangan ini
first, look around the outside of the circle.
pertama, lihatlah di sekitar bagian luar lingkaran.
It's incredible. You know, you look around, you go, "Oh, that team's going to win."
Ini luar biasa. Anda tahu, anda hanya melihat-lihat dan berkata "Oh, tim itu akan menang."
you look around --
perhatikan sekeliling Anda --
We look around the media, as we see on the news from Iraq,
Kita melihat di dalam media, saat kita melihat berita-berita dari Irak,
So I just had to look around the boat
Jadi saya harus melihat ke sekeliling perahu,
So if you look around the stage here
Kalau kita melihat sekeliling panggung ini
So take a look around this auditorium today.
Jadi lihatlah di sekitar auditorium hari ini.
PM: So when you look around the world
PM: Jadi, ketika Anda melihat di seluruh dunia
So then you look around,
Anda lihat sekeliling,
So you look around, where you're going to land,
Jadi Anda melihat sekeliling, di mana Anda akan mendarat,
And I'd look around,
Dan saya melihat ke sekeliling,
But in fact, if you look around the world,
Namun sebenarnya, jika Anda melihat di seluruh dunia
Look around you.
Lihatlah di sekitar Anda.
You look around at all these museums here.
Anda melihat-lihat semua museum-museum ini.