Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
officer of statementeri
any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command
setiap orang dalam angkatan bersenjata yang memegang posisi otoritas atau perintah
source: WordNet 3.0


eventually becoming a chief financial officer
dan akhirnya menjadi Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
is we appointed a chief listening officer.
adalah menunjuk seorang "ketua kantor pendengar".
and what a Chief Belief Officer is supposed to do,
dan tugas dari seoang Kepala Bagian Kepercayaan (Chief Belief Officer),
So, he had asked me to be the Chief Belief Officer, and said,
Jadi, ia meminta saya menjadi Kepala Bagian Kepercayaan, dan berkata,
I had this I.S. officer's daughter,
Ada juga putri dari pegawai I.S.
That's why I call for the "Chief Detail Officer."
Karenanya saya menyebutnya "Direktur Detail (Chief Detail Officer)."
where this woman was arguing with the police officer.
di mana wanita ini bertengkar dengan polisi.
and he was a U.S. Air Force officer.
dia adalah seorang perwira Angkatan Udara AS.
They appointed an officer
Mereka menunjuk petugas
The purchaser would send the administrative officer
Pembeli akan mengirimkan uang
And the officer would then verify
Petugas kemudian melakukan verifikasi
But around that dining table in the officer's saloon,
tapi di seputar meja makan di bar petugas,
Yet the officer in charge would not simply give her the permit
Tetapi petugas tidak mau memberikannya izin
The officer was just sitting on it
Petugas mempersulit prosesnya
A Nazi officer took over the Gagarin household,
Seorang prajurit Nazi mengambil alih rumah Gagarin,
means that it's not just a car, it's actually a police officer.
berarti bahwa itu bukan mobil biasa, tetapi mobil polisi.
And when a police officer stood in the road,
Dan ketika seorang polisi berdiri di jalan,
I now went to a prison assignment as a police officer.
Saya dikirimkan ke penjara sebagai polisi.
as a police officer outside.
saat masih menjadi polisi.