English to Indonesian
read through | membaca sampai habis |
read | membaca, mengerti, menunjukkan, mempelajari |
through | sampai, melewati, melalui, sepanjang, menerobos |
Example(s)read through the literature on anthropology, telah membaca literatur antropologi,
to kind of read through with a computer, line by line, untuk membaca dengan komputer, baris demi baris,
avian influenza can spread through flu burung dapat menular melalui
sewing to pull thread through jahit untuk menarik benang melalui
having power to spread throughout memiliki kekuatan untuk menyebarkan seluruh
spread through sputum and menular melalui air liur dan
like tuberculosis which spread through seperti tbc yang menular melalui
to pull thread through cloth untuk menarik benang melalui kain
which spread through sputum yang menular melalui air liur