Indonesian to English
menerobos | through |
menerobos blokade | ran the blockade |
menerobos keluar | bust out |
menerobos masuk | carve a way through |
menerobos masuk - | elbow way through |
menerobos nyala api | pass the flame |
menerobos terus menerus | pierce through and through |
menerobos/menyusup | threaded way through |
menerobos/menyusup - | thread way through |
Contohdia menerobos lampu merah dan menabrak saya dan anjing saya. is he ran a red light and hit me and my dog.
hanya untuk menerobos dinding dan mencari celah-celah kecil. just for probing both walls and searching for an air gap.
yang mulai keluar, mulai menerobos -- which is starting to break out, starting to break through --
Seharusnya saya menerobos lampu kuning itu." I should have gone through that yellow light."
Maka saya menerobos kehidupan laksana seorang Casey. So I rammed through life as only a Casey can do.
menerobos hati saya and bashed in my heart --
Dengan selangnya mereka berlari menerobos kerumunan Running the gauntlet through hostile crowds,
Dan di sini, kita melihat mobil menerobos lampu merah And here, we watch a car blow through a red light
Di sini, pengendara sepeda juga menerobos lampu merah. And similarly, here, a cyclist blowing through that light as well.
Kita lihat ia akan berjalan terus menerobos persimpangan. But the cyclist, we see, is going to proceed through the intersection.