English to Indonesian
through a | melalui suatu |
through all | di seluruh |
through and through | benar-benar |
through any | melalui . yang ada |
through collaboration | dengan sekongkol |
through fire and water | mengalami bermacam-macam kesukaran |
through in | melalui . dalam |
through many | melalui banyak |
through or past | melalui atau melewati |
through other people | melalui orang lain |
through over | melalui |
through people | lewat orang lain |
through stay rod | tupang melintang |
through staying | dengan cara tinggal |
through that | melalui . itu |
through the medium of | melalui perantara |
through the mill | berpengalaman |
through the network | lewat jaringan |
through the ranks | dari kelompok dasar |
through the street | sepanjang jalan |
through | |
adverb |
from beginning to end
dari awal sampai akhir
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)One is through improper nurturing. Salah satunya adalah didikan yang tidak benar.
through the action of testosterone. dengan menggunakan testosteron.
For example, through social media. Contohnya, melalui media sosial.
taking daily cuts through the network for about 30 years. mengambil porsi sehari-hari melalui jaringan selama kurang lebih 30 tahun.
that ripple through social networks. yang bergelora melalui jaringan sosial.
if a deadly germ was spreading through the network? jika kuman mematikan menyebar dalam jaringan?
was spreading through the network? (Laughter) sedang menyebar dalam jaringan? (Tawa)
through the network. melalui jaringan tersebut.
through state parks melalui taman-taman nasional
So effectively, we all kind of wind up traveling through life, Jadi, secara efektif, kita seperti terjebak untuk berkelana melalui kehidupan,
and when he did, she had to go through dan ketika anaknya melakukan itu, maka dia harus mengumpulkan
to get all these boys through this curriculum -- semua anak laki-laki mampu mencapai kurikulum --
they don't mix, but through self-assembly mereka tidak menyatu, tetapi lewat self-assembly
So just through self-assembly, mixing things Jadi melalui "self-assembly", menggabungkan hal-hal
through a system, what we'd want melalui sebuah sistem, apa yang kita inginkan
through self-assembly, has a chemical melalui "self-assembly", memiliki sebuah metabolisme
and then through dan kemudian hingga
about helping me a little bit through climate change, membantu saya sedikit melalui perubahan iklim,
when we stepped through those doors and into the building, saat kami masuk melalui pintu itu ke dalam gedung,
But part way through, they ran out. Namun di tengah-tengah, kami kehabisan.
In six years, I've had the extraordinary privilege through V-Day, Dalam enam tahun, saya mendapat kehormatan luar biasa melalui Hari-V.
who through various circumstances -- dalam berbagai macam keadaan,
And through their work over the last years, dan melalui kerja mereka selama setahun terakhir,
For eight years, she walked through the Rift Valley. Selama delapan tahun dia berjuang di Rift Valley.
through their beautiful warning colorations melalui warnanya yang indah sebagai peringatan
it has pores and water can just rain through it, mempunyai pori-pori dan air dapat masuk,
So, I left his office and I was walking through the hospital, Jadi, saya tinggalkan kantornya, dan saya sedang berjalan sepanjang rumah-sakit,
So as I go through this talk, I want you to imagine Jadi saat saya berbicara, saya ingin Anda membayangkan
And I'm going to take you through the architecture of the machine Dan saya akan membawa Anda pada arsitektur dari mesin ini
but they make it through the illegal means tetapi mereka membuatnya melalui cara ilegal
through this atmosphere, and my camera system is one of them. melalui atmosfernya, dan sistem kamera saya adalah salah satu darinya.
through these channels that we saw, melalui saluran-saluran ini yang kita lihat,
Ideally, we could go through the circuit Idealnya, kita dapat mengatur sirkuit ini
And honestly, where we've gone through over the last 11 years, Sejujurnya, apa yang sudah kami lalui selama 11 tahun terakhir,
through an attempt to find ways melalui usaha untuk menemukan cara
through the development of pharmaceuticals for treating brain disorders, melalui perkembangan farmasetika untuk menangani kelainan otak.
JE: Which makes every impulse going through the brain a binary code. JE: Itu membuat semua impuls yang masuk ke otak menjadi sebuah kode biner.
That'd be like trying to put a square peg through a round hole." Itu seperti memasukkan pasak persegi ke dalam lubang bulat."
well, the square peg will pass quite easily through the round hole." maka, pasak persegi itu akan masuk dengan mudah ke lubang bulat."
"It'd be like putting a piece of toast through a basketball hoop, wouldn't it?" "Itu akan seperti melewatkan sepotong roti bakar melalui keranjang bola basket, kan?"
My laptop at home was looking through Laptop saya di rumah juga sedang mengecek
in searching through data from SETI and other astronomical projects. melakukan riset menggunakan data dari SETI dan proyek-proyek astronomis lainnya.
and as other particles go through those particles dan pada saat partikel-partikel lain melalui partikel-partikel tersebut
Men, through their penis, Pria, melalui penis mereka,
And you go through the woman's vagina." dan melalui vagina si wanita."
And so I'm going to sort of go through Jadi saya akan membahas
of walking around with this bear through the forest. berjalan berkeliling hutan bersama beruang ini.
He went through this old-growth forest Dia berjalan-jalan di hutan tua ini
Brandi Carlile: ? Have you ever wandered lonely through the woods? ? Brandi Carlile: ? Apa kau pernah berjalan sendirian di hutan? ?
? If you've ever wandered lonely through the woods ? ? Jika kau pernah berjalan sendirian di hutan ?