English to Indonesian
right there | tepat disana |
Example(s)We started right there, with absolutely nothing. Kami mulai dari sana, benar-benar dari nol.
And here I'll zoom in a little bit. We're looking right there in the center. Dan di sini saya akan zoom-in sedikit. Kita melihatnya di bagian tengah.
And the cell on the right there Dan sel di sebelah kanan ini
and my doctors were right there. dan dokter saya ada tepat di sana.
and would have died right there and then. dan saya akan meninggal saat itu juga.
It's all right there. Semuanya ada di sini.
That's my skin right there. This is not a Hollywood special effect. Inilah kulit saya. Ini bukan efek spesial Hollywood.
That's half our coal usage right there. Itu adalah setengah dari penggunaan batubara di sini.
So right there is the tutoring center, Ya disitulah tempatnya,
that I bought in a Berkeley auction right there -- yang saya beli di suatu lelang Berkeley --®
we'll catch it right there at the technology-trigger. kita menangkapnya di pemicu teknologi.
Right there, above, way above the solar system, Di atas sana, jauh di atas tata surya
Right here, it's just a focal -- right there. Di sini, terpusat -- di sini.
that there's a black blush right there. ada yang berwarna hitam kemerahan di sana.
and I could tell the pilot, "I want a sample right there." dan saya bisa mengatakan pada pilot, "Saya mau sampel di sana."
Woman 2: Right there. Okay, Glass, take a picture. Wanita 2: Ya di sana. Oke, Glass, ambil foto.
Man 8: Okay, A12, right there! Pria 8: Oke, A12, tepat di sana!
That figure right there, by the way, Boneka di sana, omong-omong,
figure right there was a toy given to me when I was but nine years old, boneka di sana dulunya adalah sebuah mainan yang diberikan kepada saya ketika saya berusia sembilan tahun,
we would double the energy use right there. kita akan menggunakan energi dua kali lebih banyak.
the boundary that goes right there. batas yang ada di sana itu.
And that was the finishing post right there. Padahal garis finishnya sudah terlihat di depan mata.
right there, ha -- di sana, ha --
this is dangerous teenage fashion right there. ini adalah busana remaja yang berbahaya.
from my doctor right there. dikirim oleh dokter saya.
that the optical source brought it in, because there's bait right there. kalau alat optik ini yang menariknya, karena ada umpan yang dipasang di sini.
turn the desert that you see on the right there lihat gurun yang ada di sebelah kanan
we'll see that right there, akan kita temukan disini
right there that I'm going to use now to click on the term for "hand," di sana yang akan saya gunakan untuk mengklik "tangan,"
of the current issue right there on the table, terbaru di atas meja,
actually, the highlight's right there. Oh, thank you. sorot yang sebelah sini. Ya, terima kasih.
So, "related searches," right there. You can't see it that well, Dan, "related search" di sini. Anda tak dapat melihatnya dengan jelas,
And that's me right there in a brown coat. Dan itulah saya dengan mantel coklat.
That's a cop wearing black right there, being filmed with a hidden camera. Ada polisi di sana yang berpakaian hitam, terekam dalam kamera tersembunyi.
That's the Ross Sea Ice Shelf on the right there. Inilah bongkahan es laut Ross
I'm going to make a cut right there. Saya akan membedah di sini.
My little boy's right there, and he's like, "She's not kidding. Anak saya di sana, dan dia tampak seperti, "Ibu tidak bercanda.
right there, and that blue box is that cyclist. di sana, dan kotak biru pengendara sepeda itu.
there's one right there. ada satu di dalam sana.
monitor those people that are right there in the middle of the network, pantau orang-orang yang tepat berada di tengah-tengah jaringan,