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English to Indonesian
there has been telah ada
theredi sana, kesana
haslih HAVE.
beenlih. BE.


there has been a very clear class system that also has emerged.
ada sistem tingkatan yang sangat jelas yang berkembang.
in a significant way. There has been progress,
secara signifikan. Telah ada kemajuan,
there has been a gradual trend to deplete the mangroves
ada kecenderungan secara bertahap untuk menebang pohon bakau
in terms of changing the world there has been a lot of competition this year,
dalam hal mengubah dunia, ada banyak kompetisi di tahun ini,
So there has been a lot of change.
Jadi sudah ada banyak perubahan.
In California there has been a 40 percent
Di California, ada penurunan sebesar 40 persen
but there has been, historically, a relationship
namun ada juga hubungan sejarah
there has been an overall decline
telah terjadi penurunan secara menyeluruh
there has been all kind of
terdapat berbagai macam
inputs to coordination -- there has been a second answer,
faktor utama dalam koordinasi -- muncul jawaban kedua,
And to date, there has been a sort of a schizophrenia
Saat ini, ada semacam gejala schizophrenia