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through a melalui suatu


through a system, what we'd want
melalui sebuah sistem, apa yang kita inginkan
That'd be like trying to put a square peg through a round hole."
Itu seperti memasukkan pasak persegi ke dalam lubang bulat."
"It'd be like putting a piece of toast through a basketball hoop, wouldn't it?"
"Itu akan seperti melewatkan sepotong roti bakar melalui keranjang bola basket, kan?"
then children go through a journey of "aware,"
anak-anak bisa mengalami perjalanan kesadaran,
So let me run you through a few ideas.
Jadi, mari saya tunjukkan beberapa gagasannya.
through a phalanx of white people
melalui serentetan orang-orang kulit putih
We went through a number of not-quite-right caregivers
Kita sudah menemui beberapa pengasuh yang tidak cocok
whenever they drove through a particular location in that town.
kapanpun mereka menjelajahi tempat tertentu di kota itu.
will probably extend through a redevelopment of the mall.
akan diperpanjang melalui pengembangan kembali pusat perbelanjaan ini.
through a payments processing system
melalui sistem pembayaran
"But that won't fit through a toll booth with the wings extended --
"Kendaraan ini tidak bisa melewati gerbang tol saat sayapnya terbuka" --
goes through a relatively small number of large hub airports,
melalui bandara besar yang jumlahnya relatif kecil,
It has a child running through a field, or something like that.
Perusahan itu memiliki seorang anak berlari melalui lapangan, atau semacam itu.
since I'd been eating through a tube in my chest
karena saya selama ini makan melalui tabung di dada saya
And we went through a variety of worlds.
Dan kita telah melalui berbagai dunia.
those images and those eyes stare back at me through a television.
gambar-gambar dan mata-mata itu menatap balik melalui televisi.
What I'd like to do is just briefly go through a few examples
Saya bermaksud untuk menunjukkan, secara singkat, beberapa contoh
through a completely different lens.
melalui lensa yang benar-benar berbeda.
went through a violent coup.
masa kup yang keras.
to fly through a very creative, multitasking design process.
para murid saya mencari rancangan tugas ganda yang sangat kreatif.
These people have been through a lot and none of us, most of all me,
Orang orang ini telah mengalami banyak hal dan tidak satupun dari kita, terutama saya,
through a two-dimensional graph.
dalam grafik dua-dimensi.
You pump it at a high pressure through a nozzle.
Anda memompanya menggunakan tekanan tinggi melalui sebuah corong.
I kind of like asked these questions and chatted with him through a translator
Saya seperti bertanya dan berbicara dengannya melalui penerjemah
through a lesson that he shared
melalui pelajaran yang diberikannya
And through a process of selection evolution,
Dan melalui sebuah proses seleksi evolusi,
And so through a process of selection evolution,
Melalui sebuah proses seleksi evolusi,
and gives him his message through a bite.
dan memberinya pesan melalui gigitan.
Opened a theme park through a license in Kuwait a year and a half ago
Kami membuka taman rekreasi melalui sebuah lisensi di Kuwait satu setengah tahun lalu
going through a nadir between 1933 and 1945,
mencapai titik dasar antara 1933 dan 1945,
that a lot of people in this room have been through a similar kind of rollercoaster --
bahwa banyak orang di ruangan ini telah melalui naik turun yg serupa --
Now, when you go through a similar analysis for every way we use oil,
Sekarang, bila anda melakukan analisis serupa tentang penggunaan minyak sehari-hari,
I'll just flip through a few other slides.
Saya hanya akan membuka cepat slide lainnya.
We go through a sort of generative mode,
Kita melalui mode mengenerasi ide-ide,
so I'll just go through a few of my worlds
jadi saya akan membahas beberapa dunia saya
The baby was delivered through a C-section,
Bayinya dilahirkan lewat operasi Caesar,
But through a satellite link I was able to sit at my study at home
Tapi, dengan hubungan satelit, saya dapat duduk di ruang belajar di rumah
that you sort of "happy" your way through a problem.
bahwa kau tetap gembira melalui sebuah masalah.
through a rapid versioning process
melalui proses terjemahan yang cepat
They went through a lot to get here.
Mereka telah melewati banyak rintangan untuk dapat sampai kemari.
And then through a series of steps,
Lalu dengan beberapa langkah,
and we could take them through a series of steps,
dan membawa mereka melalui serangkaian langkah,
you may have noticed, those of you who have been through a medical crisis
Anda mungkin tahu, bagi Anda yang pernah melalui penyakit kritis
And I went through a mental exercise actually,
Dan sebenarnya saya menjalani latihan mental
to get the learning to them through a bus.
untuk memberikan pengajaran pada anak-anak tersebut melalui sebuah bus
has, through a mixture of schooling
melalui proyek perpaduan antara sekolah,
is they pour the beer through a sort of gelatin sieve
mereka mengalirkan bir ini melalui samacam saringan gelatin
through a project called Make History,
melalui project yang disebut "Pembuatan Sejarah"
but do it through a particular perspective,
Hanya saja, lakukan ini dalam perspektif khusus
with the world through a form of music
pada dunia melalui sejenis musik